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Sweet Silver Nightmare

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  • taillow: [mind giggle]
    Joltik: *wakes up* Oh no! *starts to crawl down the wall*
    Yes, yes they are. (I didn't mean them to, but it's the default...)
    taillow: *flies over to the ceiling, and perches herself on a fan panel* *chirp* Come and find me!
    Joltik: Must...stay...up...to...watch...Swift and her new friend...come on...zzz...Zzz.ZZZZZzZzZ...
    taillow: *flies slowly to the top of the bookcase, and hovers* Hey..that leaf looks real! *touches Empress with her talons softly* got you! :D
    Joltik: Hmm, it is comfy up here...I'll take a little rest too. *curls up*

    Also I'm making my own Mafia game ^.^
    taillow: *hops around rather than fly* Where are you? *chirp*
    Joltik: Hm. Wow, this ceiling is really comfy! Ah...*weaves more padding for the web*
    taillow: *chirps happily* Hahaha! Now you hide! (And I won't fly this time...)
    Joltik: Hm. Ah, well, uh...so how different is Empress down there acting than usual?
    taillow: *soft chuckle*
    Joltik: I guess so, after all, you know her better...and thanks for the offer, but I felt a small static charge from this dust so it's okay ^.^
    taillow: *hides in a jacket pocket in a closet*
    Joltik: Is that a bad thing? It's good to be all kiddy once in a while~ And I could stay here for a nice long time, since there's some nice static up here. Although I'm getting dust in my fur.
    taillow: *sees the boredom in Empress' eyes and promptly flies away into a corner* Come and find me! *chirp*
    Joltik: So, this ceiling is very comfortable :D Isn't it?
    taillow: *cuddles and starts singing a bird song~*
    Joltik: Okay. :D *they both reach the ceiling* Hey! We made it! :D *spins a small web for Volcana to relax in* There you go! ^.^
    Ah, okay.
    taillow: ...um...yes! Yes! CUDDLE TIME AGAIN! :D
    Joltik: Gee, I shoulda known that...
    Is [I can't believe I'm doing this] what Empress is saying, or you xD?

    taillow: *peeks out a bit more* :/ *flies out and hugs Empress*
    Joltik: Really? They must be good friends now... You're sure? Okay.
    Taillow: *peeks out from under chair cautiously*
    Joltik: Um...Swift? Uh...so Volcana, how are you doing? Tired at all from climbing?
    Taillow: *shivers*
    Joltik: Uh, Swift? Oh well...I don't know when I popped out o_O Let us crawl up the ceiling, fellow Bug-type! *crawls up wall*
    XD Let's see how well I can remember this time.
    Taillow: ;-; *flies under chair*
    Joltik: Hi Volcana! :D *lifts claw to shake paws/claws*

    Taillow: Sorry. -_- my master is being forgetful. AND YAY YOU'RE OKAY *snuggle*
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