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Sweet Silver Nightmare

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  • Joltik, use Thunderbolt to fry all those leaves!
    And Swift, use Brave Bird all the while taking Joltik's attack upon yourself!
    Swift, use Drill Peck on Empress, combined with Aerial Ace.
    Joltik. Use Thunderbolt on both of them, as usual.
    Swift, be swift and use Quick Attack!
    Joltik, use String Shot on Volcana to further slow her down.
    Swift, this should be a simple avoid. Use Double Team and this should be easy.

    Joltik, watch out! D: Use Thunderbolt to paralyze Volcana right as she begins to use Flamethrower!
    Swift! Use Protect to avoid that!
    Joltik, use Thunderbolt on Empress even as you get hit with SolarBeam!
    Swift, watch out! Use Aerial Ace as you come down!

    Joltik, crawl up the walls and drop dat Thunderbolt on Empress!
    Darn I forgot, actually.


    Joltik, try to dodge that and use ThunderShock on Volcana!

    Joltik, Thunderbolt again on both of them!
    ...aw man.

    Swift, try as hard as you can to break out of Wrap...

    Joltik, try to dodge that and use Thunderbolt on both of em!
    Yes, yes I am since the Flying type I have gives me an advantage.

    taillow: Aw man! *uses tackle on Volcana*
    Joltik: :/ *uses Thunderbolt on Volcana*
    Then even better if they're made up.

    ...Snivy can use Aerial Ace? THIS IS NEWS TO ME.

    Swift, use Brave Bird on Empress!

    Joltik, use Thunder on Empress as well!
    And thank you, talking to you is fun too ^.^!
    And you should SO be a referee, those calculations are, in fact, almost SPOT ON :o
    (Yeah, except the ones that are dodged.)

    Swift, use Brave Bird on Volcana!

    Joltik, use Thunder on Empress!
    (I'm too lazy right now to put up my calculations...)

    Joltik, use ANOTHER Thunderbolt on Volcana!

    Swuft, use Double Team on...yourself!
    o.o whoaaa

    Swift, get up and try to use Quick Attack!

    Joltik, dodge it and use ThunderShock!

    The values will be hard to use, though...
    Swift, use Brave Bird!

    Joltik (oops, I accidentally called Joltik by her Japanese name xD), use Thunder while Volcana is still going through the air!
    Hmm. Bachuru can go with Volcana and Swift go with Kalona.
    Bachuru, use Thunderbolt on Volcana!
    And Swift, use Aerial Ace on Empress!
    taillow: *giggle* I'll let it count as you got me since you don't have wings. Now hide and I'll find you!

    Joltik: Oh good! *crawls down wall still*
    Hmm, how will this battle go?
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