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Sweet Silver Nightmare

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    Sorry I took a bit. So we need four more people now -_- Why is Pokemon mafia not fun? XD
    Oh, it depends on the game that someone made. The Mafia and the Townies are necessary. But all the other roles are optional. I just threw a couple in. So.

    To get permission to post/sign up for a Mafia game,

    1. Go to your User CP.

    2. Look for the "Group Memberships" link on the left menu.

    3. There should be something called "Mafia group", join that one.

    4. Go to a Mafia signup thread in the "Mafia Sign-Ups" subforum.

    5. At the top of a thread there, there should be a list of players with a
    button saying "Join Game."

    6. Do step 5 preferably with my thread (yeah, I'm sneaking my game into everything. I feel so horrible now >_<)

    7. You are now in the sign up sheet, and when the game has enough players, the game will start!

    YAY Got all that?
    It's actually *somewhat* simple, no? Now do you have more questions, or are you ready to signup for a game?
    I'll help you sign up to a game later; learning about mafia and how to play is more important.
    What? I can teach you, I just wasn't sure if you wanted to! Or... rather this tutorial can teach you, not me :3 If you have questions about it further just ask me! And this is the TUTORIAL OF AWESOME.
    The test isn't fun, but the kids are :3 Also Mafia is easy! Kind of..greusome, though. (I'm obviously trying to corral you into my Mafia game xD)
    On the contrary, it is the best thing ever. Since I don't ever see kids normally, there are other kids at the testing site so YAY ^^
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