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  • Mmmmm... mozzerella orgy on pizza crust sounds delicious! :D

    Drunk adults are always funny. Well at least the happy drunks are. When my dad got drunk once, he commented on how I "was his girl" because I was tying fast. xDD

    fdsafdsakfjdsak! We get to know where Shawnie lives? :DDD Win!

    Loved the second link. <3 I always wanted to be... a dancer! xDD

    Ahhh... I've recently been addicted to Eureka and Heroes. :D Save the cheerleader, save the world. [/nerd] :B
    yeah office supplies rule 34 it's the first thing i thought of ok
    Yes, but teacups have no orifices so we're okay.
    Except the cup handle but that just doesn't work.
    So far, though, I've only got Dannichu's group pic from last year done. Still, it's a reminder of good times.

    I think that the hand practice camee out really well.
    For being my first Customer, I'd like you to have a sprite of your pokemon fitted with the automail.

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