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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • Quote the purchase message and say you Picked it up. Like any other store on ASB

    The NPC AI is so incredible that it's completely impossible to distinguish between the NPCs and other players. <-- That made me lol.

    The graphics are jaw-droppingly gorgeous, easily better than any other game, which is even more amazing when you consider that the game is one of the oldest on the market. <-- That also made me lol.
    ...Did you actually? o.O Must check aaaaaa

    And uh I dunno why but Eversion reminds me of Super Paper Mario.
    No idea what Evesion is. *searches it up*

    I didn't get any... reliable results o.o

    Uh, do you want a cookie? :'D *offers cookie and tissue*
    Fine, just got day 28 done and I'll upload it tomorrow. It's hand practise, believe it or not.

    I've decided to print out group pics of the Obsessive Scribblers and blutac them to my wall.
    *Blasts Colin with a Bat Grenade* There we go! Ok! I'm back! I'm here to run you over with my Bat Mobile. *Bat Man Music plays as the Bat Mobile runs away with Colin's zombie in it* No! curse you Colin! **** You Colin! **** You!
    ArtMo isn't on for much longer, just less than a week left of it. After that I'll be taking another long hiatus. It's hard work drawing a picture per day, it's no wonder so many dropped out.

    Surely the easiest way to chat is via IM? I don't think you have MSN but don't you have something else?
    Oh noes it are a spy.

    Yeah, moves are far cooler; that's why I became a sig move approver. And oh hey I call dibs on approving Rehabit's sig move when he evolves heheheh.

    I'm going to create a signature move for each and every member of my cloudmushroomarmy.

    but don't come running to me if it makes you hate everything in the whole world k :>
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