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  • According to Mom. >>
    Yep. I'm secretly the immortal deity of laptop computers, but don't tell her that. It would ruin it for her.
    [Eating windows] is my gift and my curse.
    Who am I? I'm SpiderMike D<

    Nooooo he can't die he's danced in the blue flame aaaaaaaa
    I'm Uncle Mike again huh

    Um. Well. Once upon a time there was a Mike who couldn't think of a story real quick. So he panicked and jumped out the window. *places you on the floor* *jumps out of window* D':
    Eh, I rarely go on to DeviantArt, let alone have an account. Anyways, Banana. OH SHI- *Banana blows up* YOU WILL PAY, BANANANANANANA! Oh noes, it's Missingno!
    Anyways, I got a good chat on Omegles.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi
    Stranger: asl
    You: Asswipes
    You: No.
    Stranger: ?
    You: What the hell?
    Stranger: ?
    Stranger: dunt understand
    You: OH SHI-
    Stranger: 0_o
    You: *Gets blown up by a bomb*
    Stranger: 0_o means what
    You: Do you believe in Santa? I'd say, that if he was real, he would be a giat Fat ass that couldn't fit thro
    You: typo
    You: *giant*
    Stranger: no
    You: Now, I leave. *Bat man music plays as a use a smoke bomb*
    You have disconnected.

    Pretty good.
    Yep. Trust me, I suck at Hatena. I have to get friggin sprite sheets from other people just to actually do good. AND IT's HARD.
    It doesn't have to do with what you think. On the internet part, you can add "stars" to flipnotes, showing how good they are. It makes no sense that they did that. I don't want them to steal it, but use the trick, but I also want them to add "stars" to at least get other people to see it.
    You... You have Hatena on DSi? Cool. Me too. I suck at it, though I know how to put on three colors. I posted it, and guess what? FOUR FRIKIN PEOPLE DOWNLOADED IT, BUT I GOT NO DAMN CREDIT! THAT IS JUST WRONG! Anyways, good luck with Flipnote Studio, RandomTyphoon.
    Well, you'll get the hang of it. Turn advanced tools off to start with and then turn them on when you're used to the program and want to post to Hatena.

    Wow, so this is what Typh looks like. Took you long enough. XD
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