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  • It's Pokemon. Pokemon requires no logic.

    Zenigata :0 What's the origin of the name? Haha I'm a nicknaming freak I nickname all my Pokemon and I can spend hours thinking of new ones.
    My Pokemon don't have personalities, persay, but each has a distinct style of play. And according to the Pokedex Skarmory can fly at speeds close to 190mph so I don't think he'll need to chase anything that far. :P

    Uh uh if it's an ice-type then raep it with Fighting-type moves courtesy of my Breloom army, and if it's Alias then uh GIGA DRAIN SPAM YES.
    Yes of course :D Everyone in Asber must have a metal birdy!

    Uhh... Nihonto, a Japanese sword? No, probably not OTL I think of strange nicknames.

    Then out comes my Altaria army >:D

    Bawww, maybe I should've given some money to you besides xP I have enough to spare, after all.
    You wanted a Skarmory? Really? Haha, I just guessed! xD But I had a feeling. And because I am a very technical person that Dragon Scale will protect Skarmory from its two weaknesses somewhat yadda yadda yadda.

    No worries. I shall train an army of mushrooms! Asber shall cower in fear before my might!
    Well they do kinda distort my vision but hey who cares. It is for the sake of Christmas spirit! Yes! *punches the air*
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