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  • Ah, okay then :3 Good luck~

    ...That is only possible with 8 hands. And like, 4 feet. Which game's it from?
    Hrm, I would offer to help, but I don't think you'd let me xP Plus I've got enough to do as it is.
    Drawing big is vexing, yes. Maybe try zooming out and roughly sketching, and then refining it? If you haven't done that already?
    If you insist. I'll ambush him in the next VM.

    :0 Artist woes? Having trouble lining, colouring, thinking of ideas, what?

    Mhmmm. Lemon-y. :D

    I wrote one'o these fer mai friend oenc, it was quite.... lka;ghhedfalk! ^___^

    if you know what I mean.

    Nice, I'm not going to lie. I like teh wimminz.

    *clicks link*

    lemon is sexual aren't itz?
    Typh Typh Typh Typh TYPH

    Aaaaaaa *runs around*
    Anyway as inspired by Mike, would you mind putting a sombrero on my head in the OS's groupic? :>
    How're you a perv? xD

    I like people who are nice to EVERYONE >:U

    and on the lemon thingy-ma-jigaree thing, I dunno, not completely sure what ' plot-what-plot boink fanfics' are. .... :l
    I don't watch it that often. >:l


    Hehe, by 'anything' you mean...'pornographic materials'?
    Oh, I can't sleep on any kind of public transport; I have a pathalogical fear I'll not wake up for my stop and wake up to find myself in Aberdeen or something XD Plus they're fairly uncomfortable. The best journeys are when the train I'm on has a power socket, so I can just plug my laptop in and while away the trip watching DVDs. Good times :)

    Oooh, you should go to Peru to see your relatives sometime; that'd be fun :D My grandparents on my mother's side were from overseas (the US and Australia), but as far as I know, all the relatives that did live over there are dead now. Shame; it'd be really cool to go over there and have a place to stay/to know someone.

    US schools finish later than UK ones;most schools here have been off since the start of the week. University holidays are always really long, so I've been off since last Friday and don't have to go back till around the 16th of Jan :D With any luck, I'll get some DVDs for Christmas and can then spend all of January in bed watching them. It says a lot about me that my perfect day consists of just lying around in bed XD

    Well done on getting first in your grade :D I think we did similar project-thingies in science at GCSE, except we were told what experiment to do, how to do it and how to present the results, so there wasn't much room for imagination, and by the end, everyone's reports looked more or less the same. Very boring.
    Getting days off school (especially for school-related reasons) is always fun. A few years back, my chemistry A-level class got to go to an aquarium for the day, supposedly to teach younger kids about how water is treated and recycled and stuff, but really we just spent hours on end watching penguins. It was awesome :D
    Hey Typh

    You know in your battle with Dwagie where you want Cheshire to grow big lobster claws
    Is that with the magic pen thing
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