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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • Heya! :D

    I'm gonna have a fairly standard Christmas, actually; I got home from uni last night (most horrible train journey ever), and it's just gonna be me, my sister and my parents at home for Christmas this year. But it should still be fun; I miss them when I'm away for months at end, so it'll be really nice to spend some time with them.
    And hopefully it'll snow~ :D

    What're you up to over the holidays? Anything good?
    i should too.

    OH you're in NJ amirite?

    I'm in Iowaz so it r only 10 here, but it's like what 2 12 or 1 there? :0
    Disregard caps on previous post
    ignore capz dood.

    Why does your neck hurt? *massages neck gently* :3
    >-> *hops in car and starts it*

    (Omg. That would be awesome if you did. xD And indeed he is.)
    C-C-Car! *runs to his car*

    (I loooooooooove top hats~ <3

    YES. Although you'd remind me of the Planter's Peanuts guy if you did. :3)
    They... won't... break... fast... enough. @.@ *still shooting*

    (YESSSSSS! :D)
    ... S-Spencer! DDDD:<

    (Amazing deliciousness. I think it is better than anything I have ever tasted before. <3)

    I'll <3 forever

    which is more than now, right now I kinda <3 you cause you're so PREMIUM. :3
    It's not really that big. I scaled it up for maximum FOPDhf;ajshgfdhg effect. :/

    I just want a wartotrle avy that is unique. D:
    really? well, It would be alot smaller O____o and i kinda lke the last 2 switches the best :O
    I know all that sutff. I don't know how to SAVE it :l Only thing I know of is Right Clicking, but it''s flash :o
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