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    I saw the awesomest quote ever in the movie last night.

    it was leik

    [as they drive by an abandoned half ruined apartment building]
    Johnathan:What's that?
    Alex: the Soviets.
    Johnathan: What happend?
    Alex:...(pause) Freedom.


    Well, since my parents are divorced, I have to do a lot of going back and forth. But as for the tradition, it's the generic christmas tree with decorations and such.

    What about you?
    Oh Spencer? You know what I got you for Christmas?


    xDDDDDDD Nice, Typh, nice.)
    Really? I have 32$ in Borders gift cards burning a hole, so do you think I should get it? Any other reccomendations?

    Both actually. Though, when they said they were putting her in the areana for a second time, I threw the book down and shouted "Sue!" Then I thought about the Capitol and why it all worked out, and I could resume reading it again.
    I simply love it. Read it as quickly as I could, staying underneath my bed covers with a booklight.
    A purpose it is.

    So, you like Mythbusters too, huh? It's really gained popularity on these forums lately.

    On a different note, I got Ameroq hooked on the Hunger Games, Have you read the series.

    My parents never let me have it, because of the alchohol, but once I got my drunk cousin to give it to me one at a wedding. Simply terrible, no denying!

    But hot chocolate from Turkey Hill is hevanly. Especially with the added vanilia.

    So, why are you drinking alcohol, naughty?
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