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  • Gah! *grabs gun and starts shooting the snowglobes, frantically* DDDD:

    (Mmmmm~ :3

    There's this kinda cake they sell called "Almost Better Than Anything" cake. And omg, the name totally fits. It is almost better than anything. <3)
    W-What are you doing?! D:<

    (Yes, Peanut. A hilarious monkey looking thing. I actually dunno -what- he's supposed to be.

    PANCAKES? Me too! I had one like an hour ago~ <3)
    >-> .... <-< *pulls out pineapple from behind his back*

    (Yeah, no probably not. xD

    I just watched Jeff Dunham and it was oh so satisfying~ :DDD Peanut ftw~ ♥)
    xD I usually do it when I'm just sitting there looking at something I enjoy, i get a rush of energy and go BERRRRaaaah and it goes away and i feel good. Like in CADD II friday I was looking at my finished creation and I did that and the girl sitting next to me said it was cute :3

    I know what toURette's is :/ :D I have random spasms but I can control it usually but sometimes i (literally) go BERRRRRRAH!
    mine tries to shoot the program but i'm like *dives* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    then he's like. "jeez. dun haz cow."

    YUUS I LOVVE to draw I draw every three seconds. well not really but I bought a 5 subject notebook for school last week and it didn't even make it to school :0
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