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    Hooray! This WILL be epic.

    Ahah, that fourth Stanza. Listen to some more Pogues, such as Sally MacLenanne, Fiesta and/or The Irish Rover.
    A list of Thomas Cook complaints from holiday makers:
    -I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local store does not sell 'proper' biscuits, such as Custard Creams or GingerNuts.
    -No-one told us there would be fish in the sea, the children were startled!
    -Topless sunbathing on the beach should be banned; the holiday was ruined as my husband spent all day looking at other women!
    -We had to que outside with no air conditioning.



    eeeee group pic it will be epic. I'm doing an OS every other day so it's all sehr gut.

    Um, nothing involving punchdrunkness, Kickass gun twirling, p'rhaps?
    That is hands down the best rendition of that song I have ever heard.

    If you don't mind, would you tell me more about your personal belief system? I'm always interested in hearing people's interpretations of things. Me, I've been teetering between atheism and agnosticism for a few years now, so the two sides of my spiritual coin are "no way" and "lol I dunno."
    Oh yes, this one. Haha, the name escaped me for a second. I hear it on the radio every so often, and it's my favourite Christmas song.
    Christmas is just a time to get presents, in my opinion :3 Haha I'm a greedy little grubber.

    I only listen to game BGMs nowadays though (gamer freak OTL) so I dunno what you're talking about.
    Help fill the world with grouse art, it is my mission

    As for the holiday... don't really care that it's gotten all commercialized, but I wish people would stop getting stupid this time of year. I'm talking about the increased stealing and anytime someone gets trampled trying to get a toy. I kinda wish people were as enthusiastic giving to the charities. =P

    Write like an evil overlord! Yes! xD I saw that somewhere before and it still made me crack up.

    But because of my short attention span I couldn't read it all. ._.
    Leo says...
    Oh, Leo. That's terrible.

    It's moreso a nerve going through your leg I guess. It feels really tingly and a bit painful when you hit it, right? :3
    Knowwys insane.

    "I made them think my arm had fallen off. They kept yelling stuff about gangreen or something. Finding Wilson was tough, it turns out he's an oncologist. I had to ask for him before he came, and when he did he ran away from me. I had to tackle him so I could steal his doctor jacket. Then I made my leg fall off and teleported away.
    It's a bad hospital.."
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