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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • Oh, that's okay. Perhaps just sorta relaxed aiming the revolver instead.

    New flipnote's gone up. Get a DSi, damnit.

    I saw hood today; he went up to Canterbury to meet Amai-Hime. He took photos.
    I can't wait for ArtMo. XD
    I don't have a problem with you drawing me or anything, as long as I'm not being portrayed scandalously or something. :o

    I have a dA technically, but the pictures on it are all a million years old and I only log in nowadays to view mature stuff. :v
    Eeeeeeeeeeeeee D:
    Wait.. splinters or.. what, how does an old pole do that? O_O Is it covered in sandpaper or what?
    He doesn't like me much. I don't think we'll really get along well, though I am really sorry for what I did. Hopefuly it'll lessen after a while.

    I flat out insulted one of my docters. It was weird. I thought he was doing something wrong, or rather different. He was new to me so he didn't know, which was fine. I tried to tell him about the IVs and how I'm not allowed to have them, but it all came out as cursing and insults only hinting to what I was trying to tell him. I felt really bad about it and I apologised over and over. I don't know why I did all of that, I didn't want to.
    Cheshire is now eternally known as Cheshy-Weshy
    This is partly your fault for using attract. But mostly Mike's fault for being Mike. lD
    hehe, ho-ho-hug.

    And thank you. I'm putting extra effort into my christmas cards because otherwise it'll be "to - merry christmas from -" as always. So I'm putting a drawing onto the envelope of ever card. And they need to be done by Friday. So far I have 3 out of 23 done.

    You know how I posted a thread about me feeling christmassy? People are being mean to me when I'm making an effort to be nice.

    brb crying forever
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