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  • Well I wear man clothes too a lot. D: They're so flowy and huge and comfy arg. ((And.. of course it's sort of a majority of my collection because of my situation ;-; ))
    And, like, it feels like that's EVERYWHERE EVER IN LIFE like WHADAFUX. I know I can't be arsed to be all dressy, I think heels and most dresses are ugly, and makeup is for posers. I'll always be called a man-lady. ;-; But whatever. <3

    Also even if America tries they'll never be able to pull that sushi is ours. Pizza though, yeah. l:
    Hell isn't apple pie originally from England itself? American as apple pie my arse.

    Also I haven't had anything like that. o: I've had cow tongue on flatbread though. :3 I think it's called chorizo, seasoned like regular taco meats, it was interesting~ Close to regular meat but.. not quite. It's too bad it was so expensive, one-time venture that was. l: I'd have it again otherwise. Just not -enough- difference.
    Also FLAN. O: OMGISH <3 nomnonmnomnonmnom
    "Gee what else can Ghastly do oh I guess nothing really okay go go g- FFFFFFF"

    And yeah, it's.. well good and bad. ;-; Eh. I'd rather be shorter really, there aren't any tall gals shops anywhere near me so things tend to fit awkwardly.
    But I can hover over most people which is P'Cool :D hoverhoverhover

    o: WHAT I LOVE ETHNIC FOODS. I hate my culture, given my culture is technically American White Person. Which is awful, what kind of culture is that, like.. burgers and lard. Ugh.
    The ONLY thing I could never do is like the countries that eat.. dogs and cats. I just can't imagine. >: But I've had like, teryaki crickets before. :D It always amuses me when people are all EWEWEWEW over these things and lose their appetite for their.... burgers. Fucking America. Nevermind that cheese is a staple here and is basically rotten milk, try serving that in Japan some time, fff.
    But yeah, Hispanic and Oriental foods are BEST. <3
    Babytalking to Ghosts is awesome kekekek- *ishauntedandcursedandallthat*
    And FFFFF ATTRACT? I HATE ATTACKING FIRST but every single battle I've been in I've rolled to attack first and I ALWAYS FORGET SOMETHING sagbnsalfgnbkjekeyboardflailing
    I'LL GET YOU YET, TYPH- wait round 1 hasn't even started yet I don't even-

    ...Food ish yay. <: I have my dad's metabolism myself, which is bonkers o: Well thing is I'm a bit too much at like 180 - 5'11" ;-; And I never change. Ever. And some nights I'll eat an entire pizza while not even feeling hungry then making some tea and dessert and 10 minutes later go make another meal other nights I don't eat at all like all day sans like a slice of toast. BONKERS.
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