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  • KEKEKEKE~ I have posted the challenge, THIS BATTLE SHALL COMMENCE, WEH-HEH-HEH.

    13 degrees? Fahrenheit? If so hnnnngggg
    Well I actually like the cold, BUT NOT WHILE SLEEPING HNNNGGGGGG
    I have an army. They work at my box fortress in my galaxy of Oreos~ Blazhy came over the other day. She ate it.
    How many are you allowed to have anyway? o: I kinda never knew and ignored the rule cause I didn't tend to fill up anywaaay~
    I don't see anything in particular suggesting that you are O:
    That sounds ridiculously delicious o: Lemon teas are <3 and if I can imagine anything on how it tastes given the general flavour of red plants and foods then mmmm-
    I shall report back my findings~
    So.. So.... anything else going on? o:
    And Humm. Have we ever ASB battled? Have you seen my Sketchpad arena? Care for a challenge? :D It just seems too bonkers to not play with a bunch of times~
    o: Red tea.
    Red tea? I thought there was black and green. And sometimes white, but that's just young black. I must find and sample this new discovery.
    I want some. I'll trade you this apple I'm chomping for it.
    I really really like apples now. They're my favorite food and the nurses include one with all of my meals. They say their cheap and healthy so it's no problem. omnomnom...
    He sounds about the same as any boy my age, just a tiny bit lower. Not enough to really notice. When he get's angry he sounds like me.

    I'm the complete opposite, but you already know that. XD
    Yeah. He jabbered about the picture I was doodling at the time. "Move that over here. No no, that's to thick, slim it down. The proportions seem a bit off, you should try again. Try this eye, see how better it looks? Gah, NO! That shadow would go here!"
    He never shuts-up when he's awake.

    Needlephobe? What's the name for that?
    BWEE! 8D

    The doctors gave me some medication other than the chemo. They say it's to control Leo, but I kinda like him around. It makes me feel a bit numb, but otherwise it's okay. :3
    What'll happen if she takes it off right now? If it's fine could you ask her to take it off so you could tell me what it looks like?
    YOU MUST TEACH ME TO PLAY PIANO. I've wated to for so long, but my parents never believed me.

    Lately I found a british song writer named Lilly Allen. Her songs melody are all happy and poppish and bouncy, but her lyrics are either cinical, crude, or depressing, It great. :>
    Knock 'em Out seems to be one of my favorites.
    (Ooh! Typh drawings? Yay! You must show them to me when you're done. :D

    Hahaha. What's disturbing is that I can sing exactly the way Amber Sweet does when she sings "Graverobber~ Graverobber~" xD Maybe I could get someone to pass out from laughing too hard? C: )
    (Oh? You have a blog? Interesting.

    I dunno what is up with lately, but a lot of people from my past have been getting into contact with me. It makes me warm and fuzzy inside. Cx

    Nah, I wouldn't do any cutting. That's what the surgeon is for. I would just give you drugs and check your vitals.)
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