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  • I love that. Your dad was all super protective "watch out!" and your moms all like "Yaaay! :DD". That just paints an adorable picture in my head. X33

    Ohh, that's good. Go on, go on. :D
    Did you see your dad often when he was alive? Did you hate him or was it apathy or did you really love him?

    I'll stick here as long as you do. It's not like I can go anywhere anyways, I'm trapped in a metaphoric pillow. X3
    I know exactly what you mean.

    You have to find something else. I'll help if you need it *hug* :3

    Leo's asleep. That's what I call it when he isn't around. I mean, he's not always there, just there when I start thinking or when things get interesting or when he get's really angry. Right now he's just asleep. :3
    I think that just happens with all odd kids who actually do their work. It's not weird, and even if it was it gets the teachers in your favor anyways which can really help later on.

    Happy doesn't have multiple definitions. You slamming yourself into the dirt definitly won't make you happy.

    Go on.
    I love House~ I watch it with my parents sometimes~ Though House is an ass. >:'

    I've always kinda wanted to be a girl~
    Thanks, I try to be cool~ Especially after my past on PokeBeach. :/

    I have an A average, but I keep my arrogance hidden. :D But, as a result, it comes out in hyper, crazed-person condition. D: Plus, none of my friends ride my bus. :<

    I've always wondered what a limp would be like.
    (Yes you should. Amazing movie. <3

    Omg. That sounds like an awesome project. I wish I could do that for Japanese. It'd be easy if you did "I Know You Know" becuase in Lights, Camera, Homocidio! the opening song is in Spanish. xP

    But Doctor Who theeeeme~ hmmm~ Decisions~ Cx

    So my friends and I decided that when I become an anesthesiologist, I could sing the Zydrate song as I'm putting someone under. >:D)
    (Noooooo! Don't dieeeee~ D:

    Haha. I love the Time Warp. I tried doing the weird leg thing that Riff Raff did in that scene, and failed horribly. xD

    Oh how I love RHPS, let me count the ways... C:

    Ooh, ever watch Across the Universe?)
    (..... I. LOVE. YOU.

    I see you shiver in antici...... pation! Eee~ that's amazing, I wish I thought of that. C:

    "It depends on entirely what happened. If he wakes up one day and he's Howard Jones I'm like, "Dude, things can only get better." If he wins the US Open, I'm openly weeping in the player's box between his mom and his dad. If he leaves the cake out in the rain..."
    (Omg that's going to be stuck in my head now!

    Yay! Psych! <3 "You don't seduce a woman with your oregead and your adam's apple! It's here! *points to eyes* Its alwas been here." C: )
    Go on.

    Only when you refuse to change despite the change helping you out. I want you to be happy, that's all I want. Not even you will stand in the way of that.
    Think very hard a phycologicly about why these kids are doing this. Imagine without any biased feeling how they wopuld react to something you said. Just think about the situation with a clear mind. Don't think with all of this hatred inside of you, otherwise it really won't help at all.
    ANALYSIS. :<
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