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  • I'm fine. I'm happy, Leos happy, I just ate a cookie and I'm feeling good.
    You though...
    Wanna vent some more? With anger? I can take it, go on.
    :o You saw it?! YAY
    Alan and his saw was fun :D Not as good as Stephen complaining about the parking facilities in the Amazon though.

    Sure go for it :D Even though Mike refuses to get drunk cos he's borin.

    speaking of Bill Bailey
    he's not retired
    he was on QI
    and is bringing out a new DVD i think
    (Yay! My ear is good again! :DDD I can heaaaaar~

    I must try that when I go home. In nine days~ the horror~ D:

    Haha. JD-ish fantasy! :D)
    Durdurr, seems like a lot of people like to draw Blazhies o.o Pshaw, actually, I should draw you a Typh someday.

    It doooooes D: Aaaaa I feel so stressed out now. Not to mention I was doing DQ times incorrectly and now I feel really bad about myself ._.

    Er, I don't know anything like that related to the liver... You got iron supplements? Or, uh... *sucks at nutrition stuff*
    (It should be temporary. They're going to check it put sometime this week. It's going to be the first time I've been to the hospital here.

    Typh drinks tea like a true British person? Being British would be cool.

    Hmm... now I want Christmas. And by that I mean the coffee Joseph makes. Don't ask me how, but I think it tastes like Christmas. Like if Christmas had a taste, that would be it. Or a peppermint milkshake. C: )
    (No, I haven't. I must!

    I'm slowly getting into the spirit of Christmas. I can't wait until the 17th when I'm home drinking eggnog. Mmmm~ :3 Although we did make Christmas cards in Japanese. Colton and I made the tree so it had a face, a red bikini, and a blue afro. Then we gave it to the Japanese teacher because she's leaving today. ;-;

    And then I went to the clinic becuase I'm currently half deaf. x.x)
    (Oh. Well good! I dun want it to get cancelled! D: I would go crazy if it did.

    I can't wait until I can see the first part of season 4. C: it will be fawesome.)
    (Yeah, just look at you and your canegun. Although you may not be quite as trigger happy, eh?

    You get to wear a tie! And have awesome hair! Well if I'm Shawn, then I do too. C: Andand you have a car! Even Shawn doesn't have that. Can I call you Binky now? C: *shot*

    Yay! 5th season!!!! Yay! <3 What? It shows on a Wednesday? That's weird. Usually it's Fridays. Damn, if it were on a Friday it would show on my birthday. That would've been an awesome birthday present. D: )
    Yeah, but I doubt I have enough time :P Aaaaaaaaaaa portfolio and summitives and exams ohmai

    I'll crit your stuff occasionally, when I have time :3
    (Yeah. I didn't expect that at all. With the kid and all... Poor Monk though. So does it ever say what he does after? Continue with helping the police department?

    I think I took that quiz once. I got Shawn. C:

    And I think you'd be more of a Lassie. :D So if I'm Shawnie and you're Lassie, does that mean I bother you with my 80's references all the time? >:D)
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