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  • (Cute! Lassie is on the kids' side~ :3

    but I could totally see him doing both of those. Haha. Accidentally.... :3 Sounds exactly like something I would say to my friends at dinner. Mostly because I'm always like that at dinner. Hehe. Cute little Lassie. :3)
    (Yeah, me too. I almost cried 15 times during Mr. Monk and the Kid. >:

    Really? Haha. That's awesome! I would totally go check it out but I think it's blocked.)
    (Usually I'd be like "Cool! The good guy died, that's beating a cliche. :D" but... It's Monk! The funny, slightly annoying brilliant detective. D: He just can't... die. That'd be killing a part of mah childhood. ;-;

    xD But, on the other hand, I can't se him killing something.)
    (So Monk's going to... die?! No! No! That can't be right! T-T

    Wow. I just got a funny mental image in my mind from hearing that. Wilson decked out in hunting gear and a rifle? xD)
    (Is the killer going to be someone we know or someone completely different and new?

    Also, I know. I saw that episode; it was adorable. C:

    Cute! House singing and playing guitar. :3 Why did he give part of his liver to some random patiet? D: )
    (Those kicks were faaast as lightni- *shotshot*

    Speaking of lightning, we had thunder and lightning storms the other day. It was pretty sweet. =]

    D: Nooooooooooooooo!)
    Hey uh you know how in that battle the winner was supposed to get a Mareep?

    Well, I sort of got myself a Mareep without thinking, and I was hoping that we could remove that part of the challenge, if that's okay with you.

    Is it?
    (Last night was cool. I called my mom when I was hiding under my bed and sung Yellow Submarine to her. And then proceeded to tell her that I was trying to be ninja and that I want cool colored ankle socks for Christmas. Then she called me her sock ninja. C: True story~

    Pretzels ftw~ Oh yeah I had an energy drink this morning so I'm kinda like.... Yeah. =D)
    (Peruvian? That's awesome! :D It'd be pretty awesome to be Peruvian. I'm only German. And Tlingit, but not by blood. >:

    Yes. Very much Rule 34.)
    (Eeee~ I love whipped cream~ C:

    It's not that bad. But home cooked food is still sooooo much better. :3

    hahaha. Ahhhh... The mind wanders~)
    (Awwwww I'm sorry. D:

    My thanksgiving was pretty good. I got to eat real food instead of dorm food. :3

    haha. Kink meme?)
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