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  • (We're singing Hakuna Matata together and reciting the Lion King word for word.

    And tonight I'm going to New Moon with Gelly. I went with Joseph the night it opened and we MST'd it. When Edward had his shirt off and was going to commit suicide, I was like "EWWWWW!" really loud.)
    Oh, I see. But what if the coffee has metric frick-tons of sugar in it? Or what if it's salty tea? D:

    (Oh, oops xD It'd certainly be interesting, but it's not physically possible D: Whryyyy?!
    Noooo not you too, Typh! D: Whryyy?! x2!)
    (Yeah. For slapping~

    omg my friend Joseph and Sara, a girl I know, did a reinactmen at the thanksgiving dinner in front of the school. It was of Twilight. He was Bella, she was Edward. They were pretty much making fun of it. It was hilarious.

    Sara: you know what I am! Say it!
    Joseph You're Superman!

    Joseph: there were three thugs that I was sure of: First of all, Edward was NOT Superman, second, there was a part of him that thirsted for my blood.... NASTY!

    Haha. I love my Joseph. He be sitting next to me. C: )
    No idea who Lassie or Gus is, either xP

    But coffee lacks red blood cells and white blood cells and platelets and and *shot*

    (I reference to things many people don't know about all the time, too OTL And then they just give me blank stares.)
    (Hahahaha. I love my high school. Tonight the SUB (Student Union Building aka awesome hang out spot with pool, ping pong, and movies) is playing all Disney movies starting with the Lion King. C:

    it's amazing~)
    Ahhh, that song! I've heard it three or so times, so the lyrics weren't instantly recognizable.

    Yes, come backkkk! >:( Your death won't be in vain! Your body will be used to feed kittens in need!

    THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION! ;;Dresses up as a giant turkey;;

    (I LOVE that stuff! Oooh... good choice.)
    B-b-b-b-but the Kaka Kitten D: It's... too adorable!

    And I have no idea what that references too/if it does at all, so all I shall say is that I shall brew me some tea :3
    Ah, okay... Er... OTL I shall never understand any language other than English, Chinese, or French. I think I should stop trying.

    D: Nevar! You are never getting your arms back because I need to feed them to my hungry Kaka Kittens and they thirst for blood.
    (and because you probably haven't heard of BlazBlue, this is what a Kaka Kitten looks like)

    I don't have a good voice, but I still sing. I bet Typh is better than me~ :D)
    (Yeah like when the Zydrate song wad stuck in mine and Gelly's head, that's all we would sing. But it was a good song. C:

    You know what's fun? Singing in the shower. We usually take our speakers into the shower room and blast and sing our music. :D

    Like a boss~!)
    (Ask out Debra~ Like a boss!
    Get rejected~ Like a boss!

    Eeee~ Psych theme~ C:

    Awww... I hate ear worms. Dx Especially if the song is unusually annoying.)
    (Cute! You have such an awesome little cousin. :3 I want a Psych/House buddy! Oh wait, that's my mom. C:

    OMG! YOU'RE RIGHT! His run~ hehe. <3)
    (Hahahahahaha. I love that song.

    Lock eyes from across the room~ down my drink while the rhythms boom~)
    *let's go* Watch out Spencer. D:<

    (Hehe. House would. :D

    Thanksgiving dinner today~ Because the school usually has Thanksgiving dinner a day early together.)
    I SAY "SCREW YOU PEOPLE *kicks*"

    *brain explodes* So... I assume that's something along the lines of Mike fails at Spanish? x_x Translator ho!

    *noms arms*
    And "Hahaha that was fun let's so that again"

    Being asslapped = painful and not fun :x Better than getting assbitten though - it's very painful and not fun.

    *sits in front of the mailbox for several weeks on end*
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