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  • Churrosssss
    I've only ever seen them on Neopets and they look tasty. Never found them IRL D: I'm dying to try them. ...Can you mail them over or something- *shot*

    I wish I didn't get so many RL hugs x_x People try to hug me because of my reactions to hugs. Basically GET AWAY FROM ME I DON'T EVEN LIKE YOU GUYS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
    I only had Dragon's email ;-; AND SHE NEVER WENT ON AAAAAAAAAAAA

    E-hugs = okay. IRL-hugs = Dx
    OH GOD


    SO DID IIIIIIII D: Part of my life was gone for an entire. Freaking. Week. AHHHHH
    (psst as a side note I don't deal well with hugs D: Blazhy no like much physical contact...)
    *grumble* Not yet at least. >->

    (That would be amazing. And Nutella~ I looooooooove Nutella~ :D)

    Damn. >->

    (Hahaha. Wow. Yeah the whole possibility of Yellowstone blowing up and a meteor striking Earth is pretty scary, but then I remember that it's not going to happen in my lifetime, so I'm good. :D

    In other news, I had this cool dream where the whole school was being chased by zombies. The only way to get away from them was to go through this huge obstacle course to get to the safe zone. So basically there was blood and brains everywhere and people were dying. Then my friends and I made it to the safe zone, and for some reason my friend Trevin became the zombie king and had control of them. And then somehow I overthrew him and I became the zombie king. Yeah. Weird. I blame the McFlurry I had. xD)
    They suck air, yes. Which contains oxygen, carbon dioxide, some nitrogen gas- *shot*

    Kitty! :D I've always liked cats. But my mom doesn't allow us to have cats or dogs or whatever.
    >:D Dont worry about it Spencer. Just come a bit closer.

    (Yeah. I dunno. One of my friends just thinks that the calendar is going to restart. But as for us all dying and the tectonic plates shifting and the massive tsunamis that was in the movie? No. I mean, there's a ppssibility that Yellowstone will blow up like in the movie, but I doubt it.)
    (Eee~ Thank you. It must be because I use an iPod to get online or something.)
    Yes, that kind. *imagines pistolwhipping Shawn*

    (No no. I didn't run, and that was amazing. :D

    Haha. Nope. I don't think anything's going to happen.)
    (Blah. The color thing isn't working and I don't know what the code is for it, so I'll put Lassie in brackets. :])

    [Tempt. As in, don't mess with me or you might get pistolwhipped... again. D:<]

    (I didn't. It was amazing. :]

    Oh and that movie 2012 is pretty good. :D)
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