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  • *is crushed* Wheeeeze... D:

    And I know, it's so sad T_T The raccoon died. Reminded me of this raccoon roadkill I saw earlier this week.
    *grabs the collar of Shawn's shirt* Don't tempt me. D:<
    *puts fingers to her head like Shawn usually does* ... Shassie moment I sense? C:

    (Ugh. Poor Typh! D:

    I'm supposed to be running a mile right now, but Mercy Dees is slacking off hardcore. :D)
    Too true. Plus the Digimon-move-for-a-username thing. I'm not a fan of digimon anymore but I do rember a little.
    Lassie Smash! :D

    (Hahahaha! You're so right! The way he runs is so adorable though~ c: )
    My name is Detective Carlton Lassiter. Not Carly or Carly Town.
    I think the Irish rage is coming soon... C: Maybe.

    (Hahaha. I could SO see Shawnie hitting on a female Lassie. xD

    Ooh. Iknow what I'm going to do in the future. I'm going to become either a pediatrician or an anesthesiologist and then work at the Princeton Hospital in NJ. :D?)
    I know that I shouldn't take his word at face value, but I am. At least for the time being. We'll see how it goes.
    Shut up! DDD:
    ... Or is he? Dun dun DUUUN! o:

    (No problem. xD)
    Don't take it the wrong way, I'm not racist or anything. I hate her, not her faith.

    Wait, believe what? Have I not seen an intro thread?
    wait, you get what now?

    Specific reason? I just said that I lashed out, and I don't want to be like that.

    Oh, and guess who rejoiiiiined?
    I think it may be... *whispers* that time of the month. C:
    ... D:<
    See? C:

    I'm getting so angry and depressed nowadays that it's really unlike me. I reacted to my hair being pulled and slapped her.

    goddamn muslim bitch.
    No Spencer! *throws back* I will not keep track for no reason. D:<
    Lassie's just a bit grumpy. >:
    Hrm. Seems odd to have a random free day and then go straight back to school. X3

    Well, than a lot of people are House. What does being female have to do with it? I was House for halloween and I'm a girl. \:
    Yeah, I'm having to use scrap sheets from school to draw on. Which is bad.

    You haven't replied in 2 days. Nobody has. :c
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