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  • Yeah, true that. He's pretty deadly with a weapon. ... That's what she said. God! It's infecting me! D:

    Maybe it vaporized~ >:D
    Eheheheh. That would be fawesome.

    Whoa! I wanna try that! I really do! :] Never saw it again... Haha. xD
    Uuuumm... at that time, Lassie walked into the room and discharged his weapon? :]

    ... That's what she said?
    Fire! >:D

    I'm just waiting to hear the there was an explosion of epic proportion? :]
    It does, it does indeed. It was amazing. We smashed them and it felt sooooo good. :]
    Ugh. I hate running a mile in gym. Dx

    Yeah same. Except my sister coops herself up on her room all day and I live in the middle of nowhere so there's no one around.

    Ahh! We should've! We ended up buying the two Cokes with actual dollars. We were going to smash the bottles because it's very theraputic. xD We ended up sitting in the gym looking like drunken hobos because we were laughing at everything. I laughed so hard I snorted Coke. x.x
    Ahh. We got school shirts but we're not required to wear them. Only for volleyball, basketball games, and showing school spirit. :]

    Dude. If I was there, it could be pitch dark outside with nothing to do and we'd still be able to find something to do. Like the other day when we gathered 250 pennies together and tried, and failed, to buy something with it. xD
    Yeah, it's been really windy and rainy here as usual. *flaps with you* :] except us crazy Alaskans just wear sweaters, no one's really using jackets. xD

    I've only seen a few scenes from Flight of the Conchords, but I know I have it at home so I'm all psyched to see it. Haha, psyched...
    Yeah. It was pretty cool. I knew it was going to snow in November.

    It sounds fun though~ I know when I get home it's just going to be one giant Psych marathon. Well, and Flight of the Conchords and Repo. C:
    Oh mah bajizzle! It just started snowing! C:

    I love MST3K! My family watches it all the time, and we sometimes MST movies. It's fuuuuuuuun~ :3 But I think it would be hard to MST Psych. D:
    Hahaha. When my friend (mentioned before. The one who got a cool scar from stealing a unicycle. ;]) cut my hair, I grabbed a strand and tried taping it to my face. It didn't work out. D:

    MST? Like Mystery Science Theater? :DDD
    You've worn a facewig before?! :D

    Mercy Dees is jealous for some odd reason. "Actually I've been promoted. It's Captain Crunch now." C:
    Yeah he's at the school. He did the pledge of allegiance this morning over the intercom. I'm not really sure why he's here. I think it may be because he gave us money for rennovating the dorms and school and such.

    I wanna wear a facewig! :D

    Omg! I love that episode. Haha. Weekend Warriors~ They had a reinactment here for that and all I could think of was that episode. The governor was there, which reminds me, the governor is at my school today.

    I had to DQ one of the ASB matches I'm handling and it was the one I really wanted to reeeffffff
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