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  • Aww..
    DOn't worry, he'll make a grand reappearance. Maybe.
    But blankets are so comfy and warm and *shot* =]

    I always have "Ducky", my stuffed duck, with me when I sleep. It kinda sucks because I sleep on the top bunk and I always manage to kick it off hen I sleep. x3

    Yes! It does include pineapples because pineapples are awesome! :3
    Eeee~ pajama gym clothes~

    xDDD Omg that's great. The weirdest thing I've said is: I like to put assorted fruit in my socks, it's squishy and refreshing. Or: No! I don't want the <bleeping> cookie! xD
    *sings* I'm in gym clothes~ I'm in gym clothes~ I'm in gym clothes~ hey, hey, hey~ =]

    Yeah it could be some sort of weird verbal tick. My friends think I have "nocternal torettes" because I cuss in my sleep a lot. Now that I think about it, I say some pretty weird stuff in my sleep.
    Yeah! Typh and her sidekick... Magic Head? Haha. xD

    And I say cute to everything pretty much in real life. There's a guy like that here, he's small and cute in a kid way. And I guess I'm like that too, according to my friends. My friend "Trevizzle" likes Psych. I was so happy when I found out. But I mean, he's not a huge fan like we are.
    Yeah! I can be sidekick? :D?

    What is love? Baby, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me no more! *shot* I couldn't resist. :3

    Cute! Real life shipping? I don't think I've ever head of that before.
    Hahaha. My boyfriend had part of an umbrella and turned it upside down to make it like a cane. And then he was like, "Hey Milk! Guess who I am! :D" and of course, I replied "House! :DD" and I guessed right. It was awesome. Then I remembered you have a House flame cane.

    I love you too Typh! :3
    and the little help comes in a little glass vial and a gun pressed against her anatomy~
    Oh! Good, good. It would be horrible if TV Tropes. Many of my friends, including my boyfriend, thinks it's tragic that FML was blocked. Haha. Although the rest of us prefer going to My Life Is Average instead. =]

    I need to see the new season of Monk. I heard he's finally going to solve Trudy's murder. :3

    Amber Sweet is addicted to the knife. Addicted to the knife? Addicted to the knife.
    Oh man, I'm so glad TCoDf isn't blocked. And I can't believe I just realized this. Now I can be online during Algebra 2 and Weight Training. :3

    They blocked TV Tropes? Whhhhhhhy? D: Hmmm... I wonder if they blocked TV Tropes for us. And yes you can get people hooked to things. You got me soooo hooked to Monk. xD
    I don't know, it's been a long time since i fired a cap.

    Let's play russian roulette now with a rng!
    A cap gun; you put caps in the slots where the bullets should be and it makes a loud noise and a puff of smoke when fired.

    A toy, in other words, used to be popular when I was a kid. It's still fun to play russian roulette with, though.
    Ahahaha. Nice. That sounds win. :D

    Mr. Hunter is obsessed with chickens. There was once a Myspace survey saying: "Why does Mr. Hunter like chickens so much?" once. Mr. K will shoot you with a water gun if you fall asleep and randomly blows bubbles. Mr. F rides a unicycle around the school. It's pretty awesome. =]
    Ooh so you be a Freshman when I'm a Senior? o:

    Thank you Typh. I'm in the middle of Algebra 2 class and you made me laugh out loud trying to imagine your teacher. xD That's okay. My teacher for this class is really cool and he's obsessed with chickens. :3
    I'll check out the journal later, dsi is only so powerful that it takes a while to load.

    New flipnote up. I'm thinking about putting it in my sig.
    Yeah, i watched a flipnote with Sounds of Silence as music and it's awesome. The flipnote was made by someone who I met at a deoxyx convention many years ago. Her name is Vix-Chan.

    Yup, Journal Skins. :D
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