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  • x33 You're welcome.
    I was obsessed with Vocaloids when I made that email address, okay? And then ended up having to add a random letter. Don't laugh. >>
    Eeeeeee~ Are you serious? That's amazing! :D

    Haha. I wanna see teacher McNab. :3
    Oh what, now you're getting me involved in this? I gave you a spare Wilson. Besides, this jacket won't fit you. :<
    Who's asleep?
    I never took the reins, just borrowed them. You can have them back, no problem. ^.^

    And yeah, that's RoadtripNotory. Both of my parents are alive a well, if smoking more than they should be. I keep preaching for them to quit. |:P
    Idiot. Don't remind Notory of her parents. |:<
    *falls in from out of nowhere* Gah! Has everybody forggotten that I'm supposed to be "Typhs character"!?
    Actually I'm kinda like tha myself. I don't think myself better than everybody, but in a group I like to be the leader. So much so that I sometimes get into power struggles with the other students.
    Either that or I'm the quiet girl who hangs back and watches everyone else progress, all the while silently noting whatever's wrong with what their saying and doing my work days ahead of schedual. Than while everybody is scrambling to do their work on the last day I laugh and hand out snarky comments while helping them finish.
    Either way I'm a bitch to work with, expessialy if I have no idea who you are and you're not even trying to do your work or participate.
    Can they ever stop talking? :3
    I know that in the majority of my classes I'm the only student who can stay quiet for extended periods of time. X3
    Do you think "jerkyness" increases with ignorance?
    Is there a noticable corrilation between the two or are some people just jerks regardless of intelligance?
    Think carefuly. Consider House--*shot*
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