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  • I really don't know. Oklahomas House epis keep getting cancled for baseball of all things.
    And I missed the Halloween epi when it came on because I had homework. I was so mad, it looked like a fun one. ;-;
    Godot!Lassie? Omg. That is pretty badass. :D that means Phoenix!Shawnie? xD

    Yeah, same for me. I love stumbling upon it by accident, though like when I watched Gamer and The OC. :3
    Oh yeah! I have Jericho at home and I heard he was in that, so I watched part of an episode just to see him with a beard. :3

    Ohoh! And my roommate, and best friend, is obsessed with the show The OC. And in the first episode of the 3rd season, Lassie is in it as a lawyer. I was like "Lassie drinking coffee~ EEEEEEEEE~ :DDDD" He has no facial hair though. C:
    Well I wrote a lab report not to long ago, but I'm not sure how the format will serve your purpose.
    It had an Intro, a Method, a Results, and a Conclution.
    It was on fake findings in a freshwater creek though, some I'm not sure how it'll help.
    Omg! I realized that this summer. I was like "o: Mom mom mom mom! Guess who's in the movie Holes? Gus! :D" and she was like ":D I didn't know that!". Ahhh I love having a Mom who's into the same shows as I am. :3

    There's the movie called Gamer, and I watched it in theaters. And in the middle of it, there's a news bulletin with two news anchors and I was like, "Holy shit... that's Jules! And... Shawn? SHAWN HAS A MUSTACHE?! :DDDDD" It was amazing. And he acted like Shawnie too! :3
    *baps you* American Duos, silly. x3

    Damn. I reallywant some canolli now. C:
    *e slap*


    You said I should slap you at half hour intervals, reminding you to do your work. Seriously, stop procrastinating. It's the kinda of habit that.. that... um..
    Well it's supposed to take place in a town in Alaska. Yeah that town? I live there 8 months out of the year. If you ever do see it, it's soooo not the way it is here. Haha. I laughed at how they depicted it. xD

    Ahhh... Hollywood makes me laugh and then weep. Haha. "This car makes me want to weep and then die." Cookie if you get the reference. :3
    Ooh! Hoedown~ hehe. :3

    Oh yeah, have you heard of or seen the movie the Proposal?
    Psych Birthday Episodes! Yes! :D Omg omg Typh! I missed your birthday! Happy Happy Late Birthday! :D

    I can't dance well. Just dance to dance. It was fun because I went on the stage and it was a couple of us dancing up there. And they played Cottoneye Joe and the whole school made a huge train of people and we were dancing around the room.
    Then let the father die~/ And let the monster riiiiiiiiiiiise~ >:3

    CUTE! Like Planter's Peanuts? :D And, ugh, I think I drank that mocha too fast. Dx And I still be dizzy from the dance last night~

    January? The month of my birth? Eeee, tablet. D:
    Slashy fanart! Thank god for it. :D

    Yesyesyesyes! Hahaha. If it's any consolation, I've had Legal Assassin and Chase the Morning stuck in my head all day. :3

    Omg! A monacle? Like a... monacle? How could I miss this! nooooooo!
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