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  • Okay. I sorta understand. :<
    I'm sorry, it's just that sometimes when you type things get garbled up and irrelivant things become connected and your words don't make sense. Sorry, I'm being a jerk, arn't I.
    Yeah, I saw that you changed that.
    You crazy whippersnapper you. >:D

    I'm not angsty, are I? I write happy endings, right? I'm not sickeningly pesimistic, am I? ;^;
    But what's the idea?

    Aha, I just thought of something so stupidly cheating. Roadtrip! for Nano. Just copy paste everything you've typed. XD
    Oh yeah, I had heard about that. And Lassie and Henry have to team up or something.

    Yayayayay! I gots you hooked~ >=]

    Eee~ I know all the words to that song!

    And the little glass vile goes into the gun like a battery
    and the zydrate gun goes somewhere against the anatomy
    And when the gun goes off it sparks and you're ready for surgery, surgery =]
    Psych's already done? What? Nooooooo~ need to watch~

    My, my. Repo is awesome. It's violent somewhat but good if you're into that sorta thing. Like Sweeney Todd. :3
    Season finale? For House? Oh man, I really want to watch Psych right now.

    But right now I'm addicted to the movie Repo! The Genetic Opera. <3 My friends and I have been reciting it. xD
    Oh my jeebs. I forgot how boarding school makes you so disconnected with life online. ;-; Tyyyyyyyph~ <3
    COME AND TALK TO GULLIVER [/lines ripped off from tall comedian talking about going to Thailand]

    Ugh my dad can be goddamn bigoted sometimes too :/ I remember on Halloween he said something along the lines of "I like Michael Jackson because he's funny when he talks because when he talks he sounds like a poof". And I just sat there like... did you actually just say those words you complete moron. Granted he may have been slightly drunk but.

    *hugs back and roasts you so you can somehow be compared to chicken*
    I lost a screw once too :< Lens kept slipping out so we took it to Specsavers and they replaced the screw and all was well in the Land of Mike.

    Inorite -.-;; He's like that all the time. If I say ANYTHING with even the tiniest hint of hostility he gets so majorly butthurt it's just pathetic :/ He's also obsessed with politeness, I literally cannot say the word "no" in any context without him yelling "NO THANK YOU!!!!!! DDDDD:<" And he does the exact same thing himself but god forbid should I bloody complain. Oh and did I mention I'm strictly forbidden from giving a less than four word answer to anything. He asks me yes-or-no questions and when I just say yes he goes MIKE WILL YOU TALK PROPERLY ISTEAD OF JUST GRUNTING grunting what the fuck you idiot I said a god damn word.

    TL;DR my dad can often be a prick.

    ...we could roast you and check :o
    Yus D: The right bit-that-goes-over-yer-ears broke off somehow nd won't go back on properly. I'm now wearing an old ugly pair ><

    We were leaving the uni when he asked some stupid bullshit question to which I replied "of course not", and then he just went into one of his pathetic "waaaaaah you're never nice to me" speeches and then stormed off to the car reckoning he was going to drive home without us. So we walked off, couldn't find the town centre, went back and found him sat in the car sulking. Prat.

    Uh, no, this Typh.
    I don't think there was an Alan Davies at all :( Also my glasses went SNAP all by themselves for no apparent reason and my dad turned into a whiny little bitch and ruined the whole thing when my mum and I really wanted to look round Cheltenham.

    I'm going to go with "Other, please specify"; Very good indeed, Typh, m'colleague draws very well :D *hugs*
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