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  • Aah, I'm all like that with pretty much everything~ I don't like being told Ze Spoliers.


    The OS is a pretty cool place~ =>
    Spolierhound? It sounds oddly French. XD I only check if I'm really impatient and think I'm never going to get the game. Spoilers otherwise make things boring. D=

    Rituals with Jazzhands? =O
    I haven't played that game. =O

    Nope. It's a bit more serious than that~ I just posted in it now, starting it. But you can join still~
    Yep. Pirelett~ Makes me think of Pyrelett. A firey Lett with FLAMIN' FLOOF.

    D= Aww. I'm addicted to TVTropes.

    What songs addict you?

    Oh and there's an Arylettopian RP here~ I think you might be interested in it. It's dying and it hasn't even started yet. D= I need more members. 'Tis in my signature, Ze Link~
    No, four HANDED not four ARMED. Like you have one arm with three hands coming off, I dunno.
    And four arms + earworm = oh god why do I randomly look at creepypasta sometimes apart from for the herons
    Yeah I got that Typh has zero styluses but if you get three then you could do what I said.

    And you could also run down the street going I AM THE FOUR HANDED GIRL, FEAR MEEEEE
    There seems to be no implication of metallicness. Craaap D:

    Yeah, you'll want yer stylus for TWEWY.
    I don't know, I'm not in either course. :P

    Whatever, I need to save money to go to MCM next year.
    That's a lot of clapping :o

    Also it's just been implied to me that I am currently being raped in an alternate reality, do you think it's METALLIC RAPE?
    *pokes airholes where your nose would be*

    *offers you the braking pedal*
    Damn, if the Baconmobile somehow goes down a hill, we'll be screwed...
    D: *proceeds to wrap your entire body in a cast* ...Shaky nao? :D?

    YES. SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS. :'D *offers you the gas pedal*
    but even that can't parallel the amazingness of
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