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  • Okay then, I vow that this year I'll comment and crit on as many pieces as I possibly can. >:D
    I'll make a thread for ArtMo soon enough, so you can post your ArtMo pictures there. Also, this aught to revive all of the old obsessive scribblers into posting in the old thread. And if it doesn't, I'll make a new one. :D
    Indeed it is. Why not look back through the old obsessive scribblers thread and see what people produced last year?

    And oh. Ah well, it can't be helped I guess.
    Nope, you just draw a picture for every day of the month, and you don't even have to upload them on the day. It's not as much of a competition as it is a fun event.
    I've been okay; exams coming up and lotsa revision but I've had a good day and it's the weekend now so yeah.
    nuuuu why do you have to be such a downer about these things. You have two more years to get enough money for a transplant or whatever it is, and once you're sixteen you can get a job and earn some money yourself...

    how much is a liver transplant?

    Colleagues, eh? That just reminded me of how I yelled, "So we meet again!" to my 'colleague' whenever I passed by him in the hallways. It was amusing.

    :0 Would you really? Really really? ...I don't have a proper Blazhy ref picture, though... But when December rolls 'round maybe I can dig out the time to do it :D

    Exactly. You never know what goes in that stuff.

    Because it's just that awesome. It goes in through your ear to invade your brain and convert your brain cells into Caramelldansen-cells.

    Ah, I see :0 I was actually wondering about that. Anyway. Friend + enemy = frienemy? :D?

    :0 You're lucky you can keep in touch with your best friend, or at least a really damn close friend. My best friend moved to Vancouver and her parents restricted her computer time in fear that it would interfere with her studies, and my next-best friend... well...

    BUT I AM UR NAKAMA :'D I am your mechanical-dragon bodyguard who kills offenders with her toes of wiggly dooooom
    The only meat I outright refuse to eat is luncheon meat, or spam. :| Some Parts Are Meat.

    Because it's the Caramelldance, of course! I actually randomly do it in school sometimes.

    I've seen Notory around the forums - and Scyther mentioned her when giving his commands during that battle I reffed, right? :0
    I've never really been fond of baloney~ Black forest haaaaaaam - or turkey. Turrrrrkey.

    Oh, I don't visit your profile when I reply to VMs, so I didn't see it.
    A colour change is noted. Precipitate is formed. Bubbles of gas are formed. Heat or light is given off. The change is difficult to reverse.
    Whryyyyyy. What has the baloney sammich ever done to you ):
    Although would a Nutella-peanut butter-baloney sammich taste good? :0

    Orly? Whar?
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