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  • I like to make them walk downstairs. And if you think that's cruel, when they fall, if they break their leg they've already got a splint.

    He's cruel but funneh.
    I... don't drink coffee with milk :0 I like it best with lots of sugar, and nothing else. But if somehow you become un-lactose intolerant, then you gotta try eeeeeet
    I suppose it is a bit of an acquired taste, though. I first drank coffee to weird my parents out, and now I actually love the stuff. :P

    Mike. Hates coffee. *snaps* HOW COULD HEEEEEEEEE
    ...Oh. Never heard of it. BUT I LIEKZ NUTS. BECAUSE BLAZHY IS NUTS *shot*

    D: That's such a shame! Coffee is the best beverage in the wooooooooorld~ Assuming you add packets upon packets of sugar, of course.

    Lucuma... ice cream? :0 Is there coffee-flavoured lucuma ice cream (whatever it is)?
    :0 Spanish. Oooo. See, us dudes in Canada mostly don't speak Spanish, 'cuz we learn French instead of Spanish as the 2nd language in school.

    Flies bite? o.o I learned something new today.
    I had a burn on my finger, when I was at the graveyard burning incense for dead people. Some ash landed on my finger and it felt itchy, so I scratched at it, only to feel the same itch on that other finger... Looked down and went "Holy shit!" and shook it off. It disappeared too ;-; How do all these scars run away without my noticing?!


    Booooob *hugs stick-man shaped scar on her arm*

    ...Okay, well, there used to be a scar on my left arm shaped like a stick-man. I left it alone, and it just... disappeared...
    ...Dur? How is that depressing? o.o Oh well...

    Mmm... I do tend to get attached to my in-game Pokemon. And I get offended whenever people blatantly insult my favourites :< But other than that, not really.

    My brother named his sunglasses Joseph, though, and his bluetooth Johnny.
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