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  • Well, dunno, you might not live in their direct area, and I don't want you making a fool of yourself :>

    No. This is how I normally drink beer.
    Orly? :0 My cousins live in New Jersey~ But I still haven't heard of it.

    IRISH. IRISH ZOMBIES?! *plunges face into a bowl of beer and starts inhaling it up her nose*
    ...Never heard of it. o.o But that sounds... really... *shudders* It's ALIIIVEE?!

    So... policemen wear ties, so that must be policemen are zombies! Eh? Eh?
    Well, I know somebody who was banned and rejoined, and they've kept themselves out of trouble so well that I don't even know who they've rejoined as.

    That's a minority though.
    Yup. The only reason it hasn't been resolved is that butterfree uses an amount of IPs to shame Hitler's kill-streak combo.
    Ah well, it's only a joke I guess.

    Both Terry and CB need permabans. Otherwise this'll just continue.
    An unimpressed 〒_〒

    And yes, I know. I hinted that he needed to change his ways but he couldn't even understand that. Damnit.
    Nasal...? As in nose? o.o

    Well... Sure, okay? I've never worn a tie, actually.
    But what do zombies have to do with ties?
    Yeah >:( Apparently I've heard that the swine flu shot hurts a lot. My friend got it, and he waas complaining about it.

    What for? :0
    Actually, that's a really good idea. Not only that, but it ties into the art contest I'm planning. What luck!
    Well, it technically is a rather logical way to approach the commonplace fear of needles. I mean, the swine flu vaccine is like DEAD SWINE FLU VIRUSES OH NOEZ

    *crashes into you*

    No, but I have a water gun :'D
    Yeah, you've told me before. It's like stuff in a tube that can potentially kill you; that's the gist of what you said xP

    Though it's freaky that people are handing out sharp things concealed in candy o.o I've heard of someone handing out apples with knife pieces in them... *shudder*

    *runs after you* Typh come backkkk
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