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  • ...They make those? :0 Damn, I love Tootsie Rolls!
    Though I heard on the news that someone found a needle in their Tootsie Roll that they got during Halloween o.o

    Well then it probably isn't. c:


    She's getting better? That's great to hear!
    I'd like to learn too. I usually just use a gradient and shading but I've heard of a technique called airbrushing that looks good.

    I think that for a person with Torette's you're great! One thing, If I may say, is that you're outlines seem a little to light. Either perhaps darken them, or use a black, like me and Notory.

    I should talk to Notory more.
    Good because I can't be bothered to collect them and I don't have anyone to play the TCG with :3

    MUST MAAAAAAKE *makes it*

    It's still not much compared to that of artists like Esepibe. which is what I strive for. Check his gallery out.
    You don't need to get a passport with them, you can just have them to wave around going LOOK IT'S ME BUT VERY TINY.

    Also today I bought a booster of Pokémon cards for no reason whatsoever and the first card in there when I opened it was a Meowth :o
    You should just go to a passport photo booth, I got four pics done today for four quid :3 Again without glasses dammit Russian visa people why do you want Mike to be ugly
    YES IT'SA ME MARIO *shot*

    No, I am Mike :3 But you should get pictures of my face and in a few years everybody can have a mask of this aforementioned fellow.
    Thank ye :3 The ones behind me or the ones behind the pumpkins?

    Anyway add glasses and you get... oh god kill it with fire
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