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  • Well duh it's a cow they're UGLY

    Lettmagic. ;;Spooky music;;

    ...Actually no, I just did a mass e-mailing thing. It e-mailed everyone who put in their address.
    You were meant to do a pic of him going "I dunno" when I said why

    But eeeee thankies :D *glomp*
    Nah, I didn't get into Kingdom Hearts til I was like 15, but Kingdom Hearts II is still like one of my favourite games evar D:

    (YAY *glomp*)
    Oh god please don't make me associate that world with Donald Duck I want to be able to play Kingdom Hearts ever again kthxbai

    (How fail is it :O)
    Yes I betrayed the goblins too.

    But it was so I could get an epic KH2 Donald avvy, so it's alright.
    =O Sounds epic.

    What if I told you that Lettforums are back from the dead, with arcade games~? What wouldst thou do?
    Oooo *liekz teh paranormal shit* You got a link to info stuff about it?

    (PFFFF The blowing nose part actually made me laugh. xD Some brother you have there. Have your parents gotten tea up their nose? :0
    I'm really clumsy with drinking stuff out of bottles, though. Once every, I dunno, five times I try, I overshoot and literally dump some water onto myself. Not fun.)
    Fringe? Another TV show? :0 I LEARNED SOMETHING NEW TODAY.
    ...Though that does sound very freaky o.o So they die of asphyxiation or something?

    (Oooo :0 I like smelling leaves. Tea leaves especially. Though the painful and popping stuff doesn't sound fun :<
    Tim? Tiiiiiiiim? That's my half-brother's name :D Did he tip the cup into your nose, or something?)

    Well the blood... Was sticky... and sealed the hole? I DUNNO *flail*

    (Wow, that sucks o.o Cold tea? Durr... Did it feel any different from cold water?
    What must really suck though, is if you get a carbonated drink up your nose. Like... Coke, or something.)
    Ham. HAM?! *starts inhaling it up her nose*

    Yeah. I sliced my mouth off in an accident, and they did some shit and connected my oral cavity to my nasal cavity :> It's amazing!
    (I'm kidding, by the way xD Inhaling stuff up your nose kinda hurts.)
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