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  • *diverted*


    Durrr... Do lollipops come in chocolate flavour? :>

    YES, YOU MUST. It's like... Reese, sorta, if you've ever tried it. Just pure awesomeness :D
    Yay~ I only learned what OTL was several months ago.

    Actually, we do have Nutella :D A huge jar in the cupboard! ...Though I get a headache if I eat too much sweet stuff, so I can't eat Nutella by the spoonful ;-; It suckssss

    Nutella with peanut butter is awesome though :D
    Good point. I used to collect them, but since my dad gave them away to one of his colleague's children (curse you i could have sole them and made a fortuneeeeeeeeee) I just have a bunch of old ones that I particuarly liked. Like my Mewtwos, Deoxys, Eeveelutions and Dragonites.

    Ahhh, I see. I actually like to keep my feet busy, myself; they're always rubbing against each other, or tapping the ground, or something.
    More than half my class last year could do it D: We were like, a pencil-spinning class. Most knew some advanced ways of pencil spinning, too, and two or three actually made custom pens and searched up epic pencil-spinning tricks. So yeah... I still feel OTLish.

    ...Problem is, I have no idea where my mom put it D: Though I'll stick with stealing chocolate bars from the cupboard. *munch* I'm eating one right now.
    Wow, you twirl a lot of stuff, don't you? ._. I don't even know how to twirl my pencil. Sad, I know OTL

    Yeah, exactly xP It doesn't have any reflections and crap.
    I didn't get much Halloween candy because I only got 30 minutes to trick or treat, and my grandpa gave out like half to other trick or treaters 'cuz he thought my bucket was what was supposed to be given out -_- The bag of candy was right above it, on the countertop! WRYYYYYYYYYY
    Dude, that looks pretty photoshopped o.o The sign, at least, though probably not the pole.
    ...It'd be epic if it was a real sign, though xD

    And to reduce clutter, I'll just reply to your other VM here :>
    I don't have as many patterns as I have quirks. The biting lip thing seems kinda... serious, though... Whenever you're bored? So does that mean that one day, the skin on your lip will become impervious to teeth? :0
    Ah... The only time I get to taste my blood is when I get a nosebleed :< Or when I bite my lip; that happens, too. If it's the pain that helps you concentrate though, why not try the elastic-band-on-wrist thing?

    My nose is like, dead. :<
    The taste is okay in small amounts - too much makes my throat hurt D: And I don't think I've ever actively sniffed blood or anything, so I don't know how it smells.
    YES. BOOM. *looooves blood* And bullets in head. ...Yeah, I didn't read that far :'D

    Yeah, I read the entire thread. You posted twice, but I don't remember what you got other than Shellder.
    I didn't watch the videos 'cuz I don't have enough time, but the very first entry made me grin :D Patient used explode, hee.

    Oh, no, I found the Porygon result. Though on the thread you said you were a... Shellder? I think that was it.
    Well, perhaps not at the very start. That should be about him learning basic battle techniques.

    Oh. Ah well, can't be helped I guess. Still, Doctor Who. Which series?
    Yup. In order to stop similarities:
    -the main character must not have a ridiculous hairdo
    -it must be somewhat based on the gb game (collect medals & battle masters)
    -must not have visible cards on the battlefield

    :o you have a british cousin? awesome. Visit him sometime and see wiltshire. :D

    Dur :'D I'm not a huge fan of medical shows, so I wouldn't really know. My friends often quote some funny phrases from House, though, so I figured "Eh, must be a comedy show." Gimme the link, though; I'll read it after doing my reffings.

    Porygon... I randomized the results like 30 times and I still couldn't find it D: *goes to search random threads for possible Porygons*
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