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  • ♪The categorical imperative is what compels us all to act upon decisions
    We come to based on a sense of duty, unlike the moral
    Imperative, which is based on material needs,
    Purity of intention confers morality on our deeds.♪
    V was awesome. nuff said.


    Sure, just... er... oh fuck you're trapped on the other side of the world.

    Best damn holiday ever. It's british and it's permission to blow stuff up"
    Like I said, my story plot is cliched. I wouldn't be surprised if you had something like it stored away in your brain.
    I don't see the corrilation though. More detail?
    Hrm. Hereditary sploching...
    That sounds like something nice and random to toss into my nano somewhere. :>

    Keep the ideas coming, even if you have no idea you're giving them to me. 8D

    Oh, wait.. *cough* I said I would stop that. Sorry, I'm a bit obsessed.
    Medicly the sploches makes no sense, but 'kay.
    Sorry. I get excited and I say these thing and I can't stop talking about them.
    I'll stop.
    Aw come ooon.
    Writing 1700 words a day really isn't that hard. I knocked that down in my first hour of writing, maybe even my first half-hour of writing. Trust me, it's not as hard as you think so long as you tae it in chunks and turn off your inner editor.
    Seriously. Ready to publish novels arn't made in months (I don't think), there's suposed to be a lot of crap in them. It's a goal you set for yourself too.

    Check your E-mail. :3
    I didn't have the slightest clue what I would write either, but here I am with 7478 words writen and plot ideas falling everywhere.

    Well they didn't play it all, I'm pretty sure it was just "NEUNUNDNEUNZIG LUFTBALLONS-*different song*" but I still wanted to find a German guy and dance with him amongst a storm of red balloons.
    Oh also I got to carve four pumpkins and I gave one a =3 face.

    Hee boxing lion :D And a small child holding a flying lollipop in panel 4.
    Yes I'm a refffffff X3 *hugs*

    Well, I was dressed as Janitor and now have a knifewrench and may cosplay as him whenever I wish; how do YOU think it was? :'D Oh yeah I think I heard them play 99 Luftballons. Sooooo
    Durrr late reply I didn't see this again :| *shakes fist* Damn you vBulliten stop dying on meee

    I'd imagine it's really annoying, but you don't let it get in your way, do ya? At any rate, I need to search for words a lot too, and people don't seem to mind. You just need to find people who can listen :)

    Sent it~ It's realllly long. I hope you don't mind :| I'm feeling better now, since it's been around 3 days? But the thought of that person still gets me pretty pissed.
    OMG that is amazing and I love it so, so much <3333
    I have no idea what I did to deserve it, but it's so, so cute and aaaaaahh you're wonderful! :D

    Hehe, as soon as I can steal my friend's printer, this is going on my wall >)

    Thank you so, so, much; this totally made my day :3
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