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  • Hahahahaha. Ahhhh... =] I remember when one of my friends got a bad cut on her arm and then we proceeded to make up a story on how she got it. We said that she wanted to learn how to ride a unicycle, so she stole Mr. F's. Then he came out with a dagger, intending to use it to pop the tire, and missed and sliced her arm on accident. The real story? We were playing Sardines around campus and she fell and cut her arm. xD

    Pirate reinactments ftw~ :D
    Yeah, the group I hang out with likes toplay fight a lot, even if it means accidentally hurting someone. The first week I was back here, I had so many bruises from someone accidentally hitting me, aiming for someone else. In the end, we all love each other though. :3

    badass pirate from Maine~ ^o.o^
    I don't really have high pain tolerence. Dx Pain is bad. And that's kinda funny, considering I get hurt everyday from being caught in the crossfire. :3

    Omg. Your uncle is a pirate? That's frickin awesome! Eeee~ I want an awesome pirate uncle~
    True that. And same here. There are a lot of short people here, and really tall people too. But I'm kinda short: 5'2" and a half. :3 Wow, you're as tall as my 16 year old sister. xD

    Ouch. That sounds painful. That happens to me a lot too, except a bite my lips when I'm nervous. Well, nervous and thinking. I dun like it when my lips start to bleed~ Dx

    It would be awesome. :D Stubble~
    Two months? That's insane! That's like half of my summer break! D:

    Eeeeeew! I just imagined that. And knowing me, I probably would char my skin off. I already scalded my lips this morning. xD

    And it would be a convincing cosplay, especially with flame cane. :D
    You have a short break. D: We usually get from December 17th to January 10th. And then 19 days after I get back, I turn 15. :3

    Hmm... I'll have to try the wrist thing, it sounds interesting. :3

    Aw, poor Typh! Leg cramps suck hardcore. >-<
    Yeah, about five weeks. I go home the 17th of December. Ooh! Lucky! You have a day off!

    Ahh. You know what's amazing? Going in a sauna, it's soooo relaxing. I did it last night and now I'm really tired and relaxed. And now I'm going to be laughing at everything all day because I'm so tired. xD
    Brish? Cute! That's a really cute nickname. :3 Oh and yes you can. It's just another one of my many nicknames. xD

    OMG WAAANT! Lassie in a cheerleaders outfit is just.... xDDDD Ahhhh, so amusing.
    Yay! If I spelt your name right, then I just typed your real name in Japanese. :3 Mine is メーチイ. C:

    House RP? For seriousness? :DDD
    (I kept saying it in Japanese class this morning. It's so hard to resist when people set you up for it. xD) ブリアンナ Hmmm... I wonder if that Japanese I typed will work.

    Yus, creepy indeed.
    (THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! Sorry, couldn't resist. xD)

    I knew you were strange, Spencer, but now you sound delusional. o.o

    Haha. It seems as if it's a normal thing for Wilsy, eh? Ahhhh. But Lucas comes back? Aaaaaa the horror! D:
    No, just my usuall grey one. I don't think that counts. (Zora prolly is then.)

    Classical music stopped in 1830. There's still orchestral music and stuff going on but I don't think that anything new can be considered classical.
    Oh well I've started running on the rooftops now. (Zora might be, though)

    Yeah, a lot of people learn piano. I like the piano, but also the violin for the sound it makes
    Hey, wait for me! (Huh? Did she take both scooters?) *climbs up a roof, runs*

    Ah right. When you said convert I thought you meant she liked rap and R&B and stuff. It's nice to know that people still listen to piano stuff.
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