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  • My mom and I decided that I would be Shawn, becuase, well, not only am I like him in the respect of making 80's references, but I'm an extrovert. And I think Shawn is a definite extrovert and Gus more of an introvert. So I'm Shawn, she's Gus. We fistbump all the time. =]

    I got my fortune told last night. I'm going to marry a nice guy whose name starts with a T. I'm going to marry him at 20 when I'm 4 months pregnant and I will live a happy life. I would laugh if this came true. xD

    Oh, I know what happens. I made my friend Devon tell me. >:
    Suspicious? They already found out about us E-mailing and it was fine. Why would TCoD be any different? Sure there are more people here, but I highly doubt any are serial killers/pedophiles/what-have-you.
    Bah. Homework. I'm reasearching the Small Pox Vaccine and apperently Borgia, Machiavelli, and Leonardo Da Vincis amazing journeeeeeey.
    Stupid Borgia. You broke Leonardos brain... Moreso..

    I HAVE FAILED ARTMO DDD: ...I don't think I'm even gonna bother to try anymore OTL Good luck to you, my colleague!

    *picks you up*

    (Government. ;-;
    You see I've been getting pestered since I turned 16 to sign this selective service thing that all guys are supposed to do it's something about a military registry. Now forgetting that I'm not a guy the American military and all their ideals and everything about signing my soul off to them goes against my principles male -or- female, but 'legal' girls aren't obligated to sign the thing, meanwhile I'm being threatened to have all government benefits ever cut off being fined a quarter mil and 5 years jail time.
    Needless to say I'm seeking sanctuary in any other country really because even though it's never going to affect me since even if there were a draft my Tourettes keeps me out AND I'm a total fag so they don't want me anyway; I'm not putting up with it.
    And its making things complicated.
    And I'm freaking out of my mind.)
    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa
    aaaaa *huggleback* aaa

    (ArtMo...... Dwagie drew one thing and fell out AGAIN and DEAR GODS SHE SUCKS KILLHERNOW)

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa typh
    unreliable fora is unreliable. >:
    I totally fell out of here during that downtime
    freakin out maaaaaaan kyaaa
    (He could be Psych's mascot or something! :D

    Aaaaaa! Where are you taking me? D:

    Salmon~ mmm~ Smoked salmon sounds good. C: )
    (And he wouldn't. Never ever would be let him live that down. So he was quite correct in 9 Lives when he said he had a very Irish hairline. :P

    What are you talking about Spencer?! And get off of me! D:<

    Fried salmon? Waaaaaaaaaant~ @.@ Although I have family night dinner tonight so it'll be slightly better than usual dinner.)
    (Haha. I just said "Please?" in Japanese.

    xDDDD Thats awesome! I should rewatch Luck of the Irish someday. C:

    Omg! There's this awesome guy, Tarren. And apparently he grew up partly in Dublin. Everyone always commented on how sometimes he sounds like he slightly has an Irish accent. But yesterday at dinner we discovered he does have an Irish accent and it's. So. Cute! I go insane when I hear it, it makes me happy~ xD)
    (Nice. :3 Does Shawnie's mom count as professional help? C:

    jdjsjskalsj I want to watch Psych. D: nao plz? くださいですか。



    I don't think I'm going to actually do an entire picture per day OTL It's way too stressful.
    (hahaha. We would. In fact, I think my group has plotted what we're going to so when the zombie invasion occurs. We Alaskans, we're prepared. >:D Now 2012, we all have many theories on that. I'm pretty sure Calebeeno said "2012" was going to start the day we had those awesome lightning storms. xD

    ... xD)
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