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  • That just may be the most endearing insult I've ever concocted :3

    Well there is a ninja Pokémon but it's a rubbish one cos it's Ninjask. And i dunno, makin' a ninja because I've done a pirate seems a teeny bit unoriginal.
    I... don't think it's too serious, but still, It means that I likely won't be able to go on the workshop. ;-;

    Oh yeah, and my guitar is i urgent need of repair.

    But enough miserableness, search youtube for "lets draw bluwiikoon" and you'll find my account, phantomkai16. I've made a playlist of awesome dax johnson music. :)

    I was thinking just get rid of them and make it use the hook for cutting people. But what was yer idea?
    Might also add a pegleg and just generally try not to make it look totally identical to Hookmon.

    Yay llamamon :o
    Well he'll probaly be fine if I take off the weapons. And change his type and change his movepool round a touch.

    I was also thinking of changing his look slightly, like not making him have the huge collar of retardedness and adding an eyepatch (dear god how could i forget an eyepatch *headbed*)
    YOU CAN'T BETRAY THE UPSIDE DOWN GOBLINS THERE ARE SO FEW OF US LEFT i mean sure go for it and yaaay less shaking :D

    Speaking of drawing and general art things, y'knoooow how you made that epic Mike trainer sprite? Could your skills perchance spread to making sprites of teh pirate Fakeman possibly at all?
    (and today i watched the scrubs episode where Turk gets back from his honeymoon it's even better on actual tv)
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