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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • Hell yes. =D

    And muhahaa, I am a FLOOFYPENGUIN! ;;Floofsides;;

    D'awww. I have something I sleep with too~ 'Tis a toy doggy. =3

    ;;Helps up;;

    The secret to walking on sunshine is to actually walk on clouds, and make it LOOK like you're walking on sunshine.

    "The doorbell rang. Trevor and Steve raced to the door. There on the doorstep was an enormous, floppy box. What could be inside? They sexually shot the box into the underground torture chamber. Steve squishily put her penis close to the box. She thought she heard a voice whisper, “THIS! IS! SPARTAAAAAA!!!!!!!”

    “Hurry. Open the box!” screamed Trevor. To their amazement, God leaped out of the box and started singing “I'm A Little Teapot.” There was nothing else to do but sing along. "

    ...putting naughty words in there works out both wrong AND funny :o

    (i posted teh pirate in t'Dex Registry)
    Weird horned thing sounds fun :o
    Anyway I did a Mikehfaildrawing of my fakemon so I'm off to scan it and then I'll go post it and get yelled at for sucking~

    "24th October, Moscow—What was supposed to be a routine apple-picking trip turned into something much more. Mike and Typh went to Stephen Fry's farm to pick apples. This was a funny sort of farm! To get to the orchard, they rode on a(n) space hopper driven by Hugh Laurie! Mike and Typh went about picking their apples, and they filled two big bags with the most schmurple apples they had ever seen.

    Suddenly, The Janitor happened to ride by on a(n) knifewrench and offered to turn the apples into a delicious pie, right there in the orchard. Mike and Typh didn't believe that this was possible, but they agreed. The Janitor told them to close their eyes, and before they knew it, the apples were steaming, hot apple pies. Mike and Typh couldn't believe their eyes! They were so amazed, they ran home and called The Scrun. When Stephen Fry was contacted about this matter, a reporter was informed that this “miracle” was “just a really fluffy practical joke”!"

    Wacky Web Tales is awsum
    Poorly = British for ill. Not poor. :3

    Awww D: What's yer idea? (I'm putting in the dex info that mine is "the sworn enemy of Ninjask" so yeah I think that qualifies as awesome)
    Nuuuu poorliness and sharp thiiiings D': *hugs you*

    But yeah I want my pirate Pokeyman~ I'll call him Balthier (or maybe her Faris) and I will love him/her~
    This makes up for me being ill and cutting my fingers TWICE today and spilling ice and having a nosebleed :D

    Also I'll find out if I get the referee job sooooon.
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