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    And you must have died a bit at the end. The song is FUCKING AWESOME, still. :o

    "Today, my girlfriend came over to my house a bit early, and we had forty five minutes until my parents came home. she dragged me by my shirt into my bedroom...and saw my nintendo 64. we spent the forty five minutes playing Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time. I really hope we don't break up. MLIA"

    I'm temptred to rethink my plan of dying alone knowing such people exist :3
    Uh.. nope. Not comen' to me.

    The.. windmill island? With Noodle? :o YOUTUBE ITTT
    YAY I remember that episode but not the song :V

    And have you seen the music video for El Manana? It made meh saaaaaddddd
    "Today, my dad has twisted his ankle and is walking around with a limp in his right leg. He asked me to go buy him a cane so he can pretend to be House. I love my dad. MLIA"

    You have a working uterus. You have the ability to have a child.
    You don't have to be aroused to have a child. Test tube babys? sperm implants?

    There are ways Typh, there are waaaays.
    Can't implys that you don't have the ability to birth a child. In that sense you either have a penis or are a hermaphrodite, niether of which is true (as far as I know..).

    What does that MEAN?? I think of a hissing cat every time I read it. O_o

    Yeah. Be cool, don't add to the rapidly growing population. |:D
    Classic. Next time I get a blank name badge...

    Well, we lose the gills evidently, and if you removed the embryo at the state of growth it's in when it has gills it would be considered an abortion.
    Boop. :>
    "Oh please, if her DNA were off by one percentage point she'd be a dolphin."

    I love that.
    Did you know that for a while in the womb humans have gills? 8DD
    Bleeding out of the eyes? Feh. I got a picture out of it, that's all that matters. :P

    It's not a real game M'colleague. I could redraw the original plans though...
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