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  • Yeah. There's this rumor flying around the hospital that a patient was bleeding out of his eyes this morning. Chatter-box nurse told me all about it and though I think it's complete rubbish I did get a picture out of it. :3

    It's made for kintergardeners and the like. You have to remember, I was around five when I had that dream. :<
    No, you don't want that game. It's completly arcade and become monotonus not long after you start playing. That and I would jack up the price. X3

    I see. Speaking of you, Kubric stare in album go see. :>
    They taste woody :o

    ...will flamecane/knifewrench-duel-with-Notory drawing do for a birfd'y prezzeh? :D
    Imaturity.. I just can't handle that. It's a pet peeve. >_<

    I once had a really wierd dream about this learning vidio game. Basicly you were this little green poligon with stick legs and cape and you could fly. You flew around the half of the screen that wasn't taken up by the huge cliff on the right. Letters and anivils/heavy things fell from the sky and you had to save all of the letters without getting hit by the other stuff. I drew a picture of the game screen when it was still fresh in my mind, I'll show it to you when I find it. :>
    Yeah, I chatted with him for a while. Timpervert types a lot like you. It's really strange.
    ChurchLady? Bah. Good luck.
    Finally some sketches! :DDDDDDDDD

    graves freak me out all the time. just....death freaks me out.
    we saw a turtle get disembowled at a supermarket yesterday. it was alive, and the knife...my god.
    my grades are getting better :3
    so i gets this laptop for my studies.
    long 2 weeks no see?

    i gots my own laptop so no more AFK for a while now :3
    I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad
    I got sunshine, in a bag
    I'm useless, but not for long
    the future is coming on~

    Fucking love that song. Fucking love the Gorillaz. >:3
    I didn't mean it that way either. She says it's tough to be friends with people, Almost impossible the way she presents it. In knowing and beliving her on that I can figure that she can only be friends with someone if she hasn't met them. As far as I can tell she doesn't have, and doesn't want, many real life friends, maybe even none. And yet, here her and I are, only because she hasn't met me. If we knew eachother in real life she wouldn't give me a second thought untill I said in my annoyingly high pitched voice "Hi!". Then she'd probably start counting down the seconds until I left. I would unaviodably annoy her.
    Cold. Hard. Screen.
    And that's all the glue we have.
    Then it's possible for her to like a person. As long as their just a bunch of typed up words on a cold hard screen. Yeah, that makes me feel real nice.

    You two share the scanner of course. Just scan an interesting pic that gives a good veiw of your skills and put it in Typhs album. It can be taken back out at any time so there's not much of a problem.
    Not good enough for me. I want people to care about what I have to say. I want everybody to care. I want to feel loved for once in my life.

    Well now you have to show me some of your drawings. If you want to see more recent doodles of mine look in my albums.
    Despite it not helping at all I can't help, but feel worried about Typh. I wish everything was perfect for you guys, but wishing is stupid and futile. Sorry. I know that what I say really doesn't matter. Who cares what a stupid elevan-year-old girl has to say?

    Yeah. I drew it quite a few months ago.
    I wouldn't call it a fight, but I don't know how Typh would see it.
    First it started with me really wanting to see some of Typhs sketches, then it went to how to keep those jerks from stealing her pictures and ruining them, which led to tell someone with authority, which turned into try beinging nice to the jerks, than tell authority again, and that's where it ended. Typh said a finality so I respected that and got off, making sure to note 1. that she should think about what I had said once she calmed down and 2. that I would be back on tommorow (today).
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