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  • Siblings.
    They don't have to idolize you at all. They get it, they understand what you're like. Practice on your bro, have him ask you the types of questons kids at school ask.

    It'll never get better unless you try to change it Bri. |:<
    What you do isn't bad imo, and that shouldn't be stopping you at any time. But yeah, keep going and practice, that's the key. :3
    Thanks ya! Sorta, I still consider my art somewhat novice though, compared to many I know.
    That's what I would do if I saw someone hunched over a sketch book. |:P
    First opening I see I would snatch it and look around in it. If I was able to keep it in my clutches long enough to get a sufficient look I would give it back.
    It's what I do when people I know refuse to let me see their artwork/writing. It's the reason I'm called a kleptomaniac.
    Change your tactics. get a binder, a locker, something to keep your sketches in. It's what I did.
    Typh, I realised what you just semi-accused me of and I must say I'm offended.

    Do I have a problem with gay people?
    Nuuuuu not Typhehnommage.

    I KNOW it blatantly is :( And I'm not just talking the pervs who go "BOOBS?! THERE ARE GIRLS ON THE INTERNET AFTER ALL ASK IT TO CYBER"
    Yeah well shhhh
    And I think if I did have any kind of problem with gay people I'd have been chased from TCoD long ago, you can't really do that here :3


    Also people on Omegle don't think "boobs" is a funny word :<
    But... shipping is EVIL i should know they did it to me bad typh
    And I didn't mean to and nor did i technically do it so I'm not evil.

    No never DDDD:
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