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  • My heart randomly started beating really fast, but it only lasted for eight or five seconds. I felt dizzy, but I could feel my heart pounding really hard in my chest. My arm hurt too, which means redirected pain. When it stopped I went to sleep for a while, so I don't know if anything else happened or not.

    Oil? Isn't oil supposed to be in your liver? What kind of oil?
    I am pleased it has moved your soul.

    And yes! You will discover much if you take on the Ways of the Traveler. But the key to discovering is to be a Traveler of the Pudding. You must travel through five flavours of Pudding to gain the knowledge that I have gained.
    *bats at Timperverts hair* I'm doing alright, I guess. We had a heart scare earlier today, but it was just a false alarm.
    So nothing much.
    I know XD

    I heard about the ep. from my obsessed friend (who really should join, she'd love it here), and she mentioned that XD
    Yes, I do.

    Yup. Well, I saw Epic Fail (most hilarious title ever, actually), but I only heard about the first episode of the season.

    Also, House was hilarious in next episode's preview. XD
    Ooh, Lett is sorry! She totally forgot. XD

    I tried to copypaste the story of Arylettopia... but it wouldn't fit in here.
    I got blazheirio addicted to Mitchell And Webb Look :o

    Shall I introduce her to ABOFAL y/y/WHY THE FRIG ARE YOU ASKING
    Why have i got guts? it's not like she'll kick me in the balls]for making her a guest comic.

    and you prolly aught to build up some self confidence with your art. i need to build some with my love life. i'm a hopeless romantic.
    That sounds great, you should really go for it. There are loads of people here who can help you if you ask nicely.

    and with the webcomics thing if i'm doing the majority of the comics i should probably do guest comics. you can if there's some you specifically want too.

    and i'm asking katie teidrich so STAY AWAAAY
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