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  • ..You should refuse to go. D: Around 6th grade I essentially dropped out of everything ever because I was chucked into this shitty school in a shitty class full of shitty kids. Eventually I completely refused to go and yeah, just stopped. Even if I was dragged in I dodged out, didn't go into the classroom or called out sick. One time I even led a bunch of staff on a chase throughout the entire school hall. Despite my TERRIBLE stamina I've always been one of the faster wormy little bastards around so they didn't have a chance and I could lose them and duck into the washroom or something and even if they did catch me literally noone but a trained restraint specialist could hold me down.... reminds me of the time in 1st grade where it took 4 teachers to pin me :> I felt proud. People got the picture eventually though.
    ....I feel like I give lots of bad advice but ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuck public school. D: Just duck it.
    People have been provoking me for years but never like that.. I've never had a family or friends death of particular interest for them to latch onto though... I don't like to think of myself as violent but some people just NEED it to get the picture. ;-; Some kid awhile ago kept trying to jab me with his insulin needle until I grabbed him from the collar and chokelifted him before tossing him into the door. He didn't respond to ANYTHING. I've always been intrigued if not sickened by human psyche and I've gotten pretty good at picking out those who just need that.. But also try to stay away from it myself because I'm far from WANTING to do those things. :/

    And I guess it's a good/bad thing. All my old giftcards are now dead, but it's fun as heck. xD; And my dad? Meh.. he's on rants about how I don't do anything. Which is partially true, mostly because he works at ungodly in the morning and it's incredibly trying to be in his presence.
    I'm better.. Rock Band drums came in the mail today and I've been utterly failing to get my timing down. :> And to think I'm trying to learn the things for real, can't even seem to coordinate my foot to the bass pedal on Medium. But my dad is floating around and being his jerky self, too D: Le sigh, it never ends.
    How are you though? ;-; I.. lurked a bit and noticed the school kids issues and if I were you I'd take a baseball bat and knife or flamethrower to their arsehole shaped little faces~
    oh. i'm sorry to hear both about your liver and of the loss of your friend.

    these are some truly sick people.

    (I'm multitasking too, I'm on t'internet and half listening to Bill Bailey. He just implied there was a part on a car called a "grub nut".)
    It's the same for me. Like I said, no friends who care enough to visit and wish me well. In essance, no friends. I wouldn't be missed outside of my imediate family, mostly because a lot of my family is dead or close to dieing.
    We would miss eachother though, I'm sure of that.
    So we both have something deadly fluctuating in us. XD

    *slings her arm around your shoulder* WE'RE JUST A COUPLE OF CLOOOOONES~
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