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  • <3 to you to ^^

    (Well if you never aim, you don't have enough practice xD)

    ((Also I feel successful. I got a room full of middle schoolers to call me Batman. Which resulted in this.))
    Wait but blazhy's your mom and I'm blazhy's sister, which makes you and Mercy my tiny little nieces!
    I like my elbow more than using my fists/heel of my hand since apparently I have a very strong right elbow, with good aim and form, too. But my left elbow sucks :D
    Mum's a contact I can call for free. c:

    Right, I get it. kinda.

    christ i'm reading fmc's region thread and kam and brandman are really below standard.
    Ah, that too. I'm horrible with directions. If the sun isn't out, I can't tell north from south, east from west.

    I know how to fight, too - I have a bit of training, but not much. I prefer to use my elbow and other short-range but strong weapons, though. So I like places with walls, but enough space for me to maneovour. Otherwise I'd probably be screwed.
    I was talking about your class. xD

    I don't think I'm very street smart - I'm horrible with strangers and I'm clumsy and stuff like that, but at least I know not to swagger everywhere.

    I fail at physical shit, too. Except sprinting - I'm excellent at that. ...until 15 seconds are up, and when that happens, I'm more or less dead xD
    I don't normally but I saw an ever-increasing need for one so yeah.
    It'll be how me, Danni and Ice contact each other at London Expo.

    Nice. How do you mean "testing"?
    I don't, either. I'd be fine if she stayed away from my friends. And it'd be fine if she was just a bit smarter - not academically, but street-smart, if you know what I mean. But she doesn't. That's the problem.
    I was planning to start volunteering in grade 10, to make the high school transition easier and whatnot. But next year's summer I'll probably volunteer at the art gallery and music nights and whatnot.

    No, she bothers everyone. Actually, more like degrades everyone. And when someone says everyone hates her, she says she has friends - but I'll bet you $500 ASB bucks that they're just scared of her.
    >c Typh that's friggin important information. I don't want everyone knowing that.

    I gave Dannichu a call a second ago on my new mobile. What a cool voice.
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