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  • Well, she also volunteers at the library (does an okay job, I guess, but she loves kicking out people she dislikes. Like wat that isn't even supposed to be part of her job.), and she has more volunteer hours than me, obviously - I still have 0. :D But yeah, she doesn't have much experience at all, and if she manages to keep a job for more than a few weeks with that personality of hers, I'll bet she's bribing/threatening her boss.
    Oh, it IS, isn't it? :D <3

    How much UK TV do you get over there? Hehe, you're awesome for watching ABOFAL :)
    Me neither. When people come over they're always all ROCK BAND NAO. I'm okay with it - it's reasonably amusing, but I have better things to do.

    On another note FFFF. That person I was ranting about in the Grr! Thread? Conversation that happened today:

    Her: Yeah, but I get higher marks than you. (that's her comeback to basically everything)
    Me: Marks aren't everything.
    Her: Yeah, I know. They're just almost everything.

    Yeah and I have SATs on Saturday. :(

    Yup. I'm excited! 5 days and my parents and grandparents and mystery cousin get here for graduation. Time is going so sloooooow waifu~

    and how did that happen? The fivesome?
    Ah. I hate nausea, so I think I'll pass. :x

    Oh, I know someone who airdrums and airguitars all the time. Too much Rock Band for him.
    o.O Really? Huh. I kind of want to try now, but I'd bet it'd be painful... hm.

    Ah, I see. I do that all the time, actually. People ask why I'm bobbing my head all the time. OTL

    And it's all good~ I'll probably change my avatar, soon, too. I have two new ones in the making.
    Oh. I see. xD; I thought you were serious. I mean, if Green can have a string tie around his uvula, anything can happen!

    Well, generally if I get called by a teacher, I'm always "crap am I in trouble". It's understandable~ Especially if you were half asleep! xD;

    Well, I'm a bit bipolar too, if you'll excuse me for using that term. Sometimes I'm like all dead and stuff (once when I was being deadish, my friend asked me, "were you hit by the devil recently or something?"). But other times I'm all LOLOLOL HEHEHE *pokes* SHOOOOOOOOP.

    Yes, dry up. Marks are the new water.

    Haha, that totally reminded me of Spongebob Squarepants.
    Really, if you didn't have stupid people in your grade, you'd be much more confident. I'm rather certain that the you on the internet is the real you, while the one IRL is kind of subdued, you know what I mean?

    Elders are scary. I totally get what you mean there. Hell, I can't really talk with my parents much about stuff other than school, either. I'm also a bit of a workaholic, so I spend most of the time in my room anyway, typing or drawing or doing some other type of work.

    Yeah, you know, I could almost imagine you going "OTL I AM NOT WORTHY" and it really is quite amusing xD; But really, for the average person, stuff like what happens to you doesn't happen 'all the time'.

    Oh, my. Reminds me of this kid I used to have in my class. "Is Beijing an island?" Cue headdesk.
    It's just agghhhhh why does every think that without marks, they'll dry up and die a horrible death? Seriously.

    ...how did you manage that?
    And how are you typing? o.O
    Yes, that is my sister.

    Sorry. This is the last week of school and it's intense. Prom was kinda fun. C: But yeah, I'm almost hoooome! Just a week left!
    y. or possibly y.

    OHOHOH I'm putting you in a project of mine; how should I draw you, do you have a fursona or anything? or an FA, so I can link when done?

    *squees* !
    Ah, God, really? OTL They had us all scared, then! Those people are sneaky. But at least they know what they're doing. :P

    Why're you saying that you don't deserve one, first of all?
    I've been doubting my strength as of late. My right arm's been screwing up majorly - swollen wrist, swollen elbow, Carpal Tunnel. But I carry pins around with me, and they can be makeshift daggers, which are just about the only weapon I know how to use. :v

    I got report cards today too~
    Got a great average.
    But my art teacher marks frickin' hard and I only got an 88. D:
    I haven't read the books, but from what I've heard they're quite different, in ways in which I can't see myself quite liking them as much as I did the movie, or at least in the same way. I guess I should give them a go sometime, though.

    Say, if you don't mind spoilers for the movie would you be interested in the shameless advertisement of a AMV I made? :U
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