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  • Come on, I'm pretty sure your age is displayed on your profile.

    Actually, I'm 15. It was just my birthday a few days ago.

    ...Pffff, that's paperthin. Yeah, I'm 14. :P
    Awwwwwww... Trench coat. So cute. :]

    WELL. It'd be kinda hard to have children. If there was some way to do it, I'd totally volunteer to carry the child. But how about adoption? C:
    Cause you love me. I'm your waifu. :]

    hahahahahahahahaha! That's awesome! <3
    .... Hahahahahahahaha. That's amazing.

    So it's not Oregon. It's Texas. Fucking Texas. :(

    Oh well, I have lots of family there.
    True. But I fear for the minds of the 12 year-olds.

    ...you know one day I should totally draw myself an avatar of EXPLOSIVE GIANT FLAMING NINJATOES
    :( Pokemon is getting less kid-friendly by the moment.

    B-but my ninjatoes are now EXPLOSIVE GIANT FLAMING NINJATOES!
    If your Ditto is Pedobear, why is your character even near it? ;~; S/he's still ten years old for crying out loud

    So did I the first time I read it.
    Hey Typh, will you explode if I poke you?
    I actually have a large collection of strange avis, usually involving slash!

    Like this one! And this! And this one also! And all these. I'm a bit of a perv.

    I like this one but it's too big for teecod :C
    I should name my Ditto Mr. Jello!

    Also comic. We had to do a math comic for, well, math class, and I starred in one of my classmate's comic. I'm that person in the middle with red-pink hair, a weird hat, and a blue mouth. Aren't I so in-character? :'D
    Yes Typh, that would be cheating. Go train your pokermanz like everybody else.

    My team is <3. They've each developed their own little personalities. Except StreamPunk who's nicked mine. c:

    Also according to the posts in Alraunne's card-avatar-thingy-shop, ditto-Pokemon are the new thing.

    I ACTUALLY HAVE THE DOUJIN IT WAS FROM. And this one. Tehehe I love brainbreaking people.
    I'm one of those people who go t(-.-t) when people start pressuring me. Hence why I don't have FB, either.
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