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  • Mm'kay~ But if he says he didn't get it, you could always go to your send box for proof that you sent it on time, right?
    Oh. See, when I see Live, I automatically think Live Journal. But yeah, sometimes we communicate my email, but very, very rarely.

    I don't know if I hate people. Sometimes I feel like the world is great, but other times I'm so frustrated I want to lock myself in my room and never come out. I have my drawing stuff, my computer - but that's still communicating with people, isn't it? Maybe I'm better with people when I can't see who I'm talking to. I don't know.
    Woah, you actually use LJ to communicate with teachers and such? Seriously? We're boring. Only one teacher uses the internet to upload assignments, and even then we have pre-assigned stuff.
    Then again there was that comic thing - pfff

    Well, yeah, I get that people generally aren't quite as fuzzy with family they don't see often - I mean my grandma's really nice and stuff, always gives me stuff, but I'm rather indifferent to her, because I hardly ever see her. I'm okay with my brother - likes to joke around, we have the same interests, but he has a short temper and is prone to tantrums. I can go on and on. In general, my family is pretty cool. But I just don't feel as close to them as I do my friends at school.

    I... sort of feel like a bad person. I hear my friends talking about their family - remember A? She's totally selfish towards other people, often forcing people to swear on other people's lives to make sure they're not lying, "because I doubt your life is worth much". But I jokingly asked her if her grandma died when she ate some poisonous berries, and she's all srs face. "I'll kill you if you say that again." Thing is, I said something in a similar vein about someone else before, and she just laughed along. She's even rather rough towards who she says is her best friend. Why the huge gap in respect? I don't get it.

    It's just... I don't know. I feel like I should love my family more. But at the same time, I hate doing things without a real concrete reason. Maybe I'm just being over-expectant, expecting reasons for everything, even things that have been ingrained in us because long ago it was necessary for survival? I mean, if I have kids (which is unlikely), I can't imagine loving them automatically. Sometimes I even think I'd end up killing them because they'd get on my nerves so much what with the bawling and all- and my train of thought ends there because the thought really unnerves me.

    Oh, come on. :P I have feelings too.
    ...But, aaah... For some reason I don't quite understand familial affection...? I just don't really get it. :x I don't get what makes them different so that you automatically like them, if you know what I mean?
    Aaa I feel so weird now :I
    Oh, believe me. Some people also say that that guy and I... "did" things. BRAIN BLEACH. NAO. If this was a few years back, when I was still rather aggressive, I'd punch them. OTL

    :0 Whoo! I told you he'd be fine~

    No homework for me today~ Did all of it in class. Again.
    The basic idea is that high school sucks. Suddenly everyone's all HEY WHO LIKES WHO LET'S ~GOSSIP~

    And I'm sitting in a corner facepalming.
    Ah, I see. :P See, people around me don't joke like that because there's already a guy who likes me and because of that, we're ~perfect~ for each other.

    brb barfing
    nanaca crash!! I have wiled away many an hour on this flash game. Let me see...

    太ga高度... length and height... bamboo, car, and squiggle... three to ten meters... okay!

    When the length and height is within range of three to ten meters, click the mouse button and... seven smells... (that's what it says, 七香) will launch you in a rear collision.

    Length and height descend... um, what is it you're doing? :B because really this says what it says in a loose but accurate way... I can do the rest, but...
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