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  • Wasn't there one? I'm sorry.
    Me sorry. But some people out there are just all LOL U AND MIL SHUD LIKE GO OUT N STUFFS LOL. And I'm like leave me alooooooooone I don't want a gf and she can do tons better.
    Dooooo it :D
    But don't put us in any romantic setting or I'll blow your head clean off with as much mercy as if you were a helpless seal-pup called Arnold. If you'll pardon the pun.
    Fair enough. I admit it can be rather boring unless it's one of few things you have to do on the Internet. :D

    Ooh, would you happen to know how to make some images into a movey image? (I've decided to just ask random people)
    YAY *hugs*
    Nah, I was talking with someone via Neomail and several less than child friendly concepts arose a few times. So not only are private messages moderated, but two people cannot talk about what they like within them without being told off even if neither party is offended. How way-too-child friendly is that?

    (Account username pls? :D)
    And yay about y'nan! Hope she's back up and about soon!

    (Hehe, I just nearly got banned from Neopets. Yeah I go there due to extreme boredom what of it.)
    It sounds way more complicated than I'd expected anyway as well.
    It's generally accepted that when someone asks you if they can ask a question, you wait til they tell you what they want to ask, THEN answer. xD

    Anyway never mind, forgot meh characters D:
    I dunno, I finished it a while ago.
    Anyway, can I asks you some questions about Road Trip? I'm thinking of finally making a start on it :D
    I'm sure you were lovely. ^^ Even as a horrid little child.
    Still, looks like I must be thankful to Stuart Little. If you'd never become a Britainfreak you'd never have become a Mikefriend. ^^ *hug* *watches QI*
    Come baaaaack. D|

    EDIT: (10:31AM) *tail wag* I got a lot of new doodles and another comic uploaded. The comic doesn't really make sense, but it's the kind of comic that doesn't have to. X3
    Ah yes, so you were. The phrase "eight year old me" used in reference to yourself threw me off a tadge there.
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