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  • Indeed. I swear, that owner's running a dictatorship. It used to be fun, but now she's just gone way too far. Making us approve sideplots and just... EVERYTHING about the character so she could reject it if she didn't like it.
    So we left.

    Yes we are. A whole forum. And we'll make sure it succeeds.

    Don't make me beat yp TyphTortle D: Apart from anything that'd be unrealistic you'd destroy me
    Are you kidding? We left that noise behind. The owner kicked out my friend and FMC's girlfriend just because she didn't like the way said friend's character was developing. And in a PM to FMC, she stated, and I quote:

    "but I wonder how many plots you'll have before your RP blows up with character development"

    ...Blows up with character development. ISN'T THAT THE POINT OF AN RP, TO DEVELOP CHARACTERS?

    ...Sorry, I'm just still really pissed about it.

    Awww, we'll help you. ^^
    ! Okay, that's it. I need SS. :D

    Bondage... :D *shot*

    Oh god. I could only imagine an Irish looking Girl!Lassie. Ahhh... Awww... Girl!McNabb? Actual little boy cat? xD let's just genderbend the whole show.
    You could have 90% accuracy, but you could try your luck with 100%.

    Since I've reviewed your move, though, I won't be the one approving it, so you may have to wait.
    Hmm... I'd say 15%, just to curb off that STAB, would be good. As for energy, I'd suggest around 9%. And you can have both Pokemon become severely confused.
    Oh, I see. So it's basically a bomb of contrasting thoughts? How much damage are you planning to make this do? I could give you a rough outline of effects and energy cost if you give me the damage.
    :0 Mentally disturbed Pokemon. I approve.

    So what will this attack do exactly? Damage, maybe a chance of flinch, maybe confusion...? I dunno it's starting to sound like Dark Pulse to me.
    So he takes all these negative thoughts and... wait, what are these ghosts you're talking about?

    Also, since Dexter is fully-evolved, you could get away with say, 15% damage for 8% energy, or something like that, I think.
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