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  • I think it should be dark, what with Dark Pulse being fueled by negative energy as well.

    :DDD Though when I read 'Onimon' I thought of Digimon.
    Who are you sending out?

    I intend to use Frosty, but if Green sends out his Torchic then I'll probably use my Wailmer instead. Or maybe Kappa (although that magical leaf will hurt...)
    I fyou haven't found it, it's here. I don't actually like NPH's character very much, but this song is one of those ones that always makes me smile so much :D

    Haha, you should take pictures of your Rocket costume - the brilliance of dressing up as any one of the Pokemon "Team"s is that you don't need specific hair or anything; just yourself in the appropriate uniform. Except Team Galactic, of course, in which case you need a bright turquoise bowl cut. WTF?

    One of my friends from back home says Psych is really good, though I haven't seen any of it, but we tend to like the same kind of stuff, so I'm definitely willing to give it s try. I've heard of Monk, but I don't know anything about it. Tell me more?

    Aaaah, I LOVE Stephen Fry so, so much <3 Have you seen any of the stuff he and Hugh were in back in th' day? They had a skit show, A Bit of Fry and Laurie, and it's absolutely hilarious. They were Jeeves and Wooster in a BBC production of, uh, Jeeves and Wooster, too. And they were in Blackadder together. So good.
    I don't know if the documentary Fry In America aired over there; it was a travel show where Stephen Fry drove around all 50 states (in a London Taxi!) and had a look at what each of the states had to offer. I can't remember where he was, but there was one scene where he was talking to some kids who wanted to be actors, and they asked him if it was harder being an actor was you were older, and he said something like "Not at all! Most of the most famous, well-paid actors are older. Just look at that man who plays House; Hugh something-or-other." I thought it was hilarious.

    Yup, that's the episode! I always thought "Sleeping Dogs Lie" was such a good epsiode name, with the insomnia and the dog and the lying. Well done, people-who-make-House!

    I've been watching Glee when it's on TV with my housemates and we're really enjoying it. The last episode of S1 is airing over here tomorrow, and I'm already looking forward to the next season~ Mostly because I found this promo vid the funniest thing in the world. (it's doubly funny of you know the actress who plays Sue is a lesbian)

    I love the Glee version of Defying Gravity, but it's annoying that they cut out the verses; I get that the original song references stuff like Oz and Glinda and things, but it's just a song and the audience can cope with stuff!

    That's easy. Rough se- *shot and killed* C:

    Ohh yeah. Girl Shawn would totally still have awesome hair. :]

    Awwwww... poor. I hope he be okay. D:

    You know, right after I posted that, I spilt my tray in the cafeteria and it made a huge mess. xDDD
    well actually no it doesn't seem so. It was just an idea I had while playing Gold.

    Feuerente = Fire Duck in German. Figure it out.
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